
Minor Injury

Maya's POV

I remained frozen on the ground, and I didn't know what to do; I didn't want to look like an idiot standing beside the pickup while I was not even sure if Adonis was watching me since I couldn't see his eyes because of his dark shades, but base on his personality my mind is telling me he was looking at me.

I wondered what kind of plot he was thinking of right now. I wished Rich would come out of the house. It seemed time was standing still, and I needed to go inside so I didn't have to deal with him.

I ran inside, going to the house, but as I hurried inside the mansion, I did not notice the rock. I stepped on it, which caused me to slide and fall to the ground.

I felt pain all over my frame, and I tried to get up, but with so much anguish in my hip, I could not stand up. I moaned as I struggled to move my body when. I felt powerful hands hold my waist. He pulled me up, and I could smell his familiar scent that drove me crazy one year ago. Adonis Monleon smells so desirable.

I felt like jelly feeling so close to Adonis; he smelled so good, and I wanted to get drunk with his scent, but I realized I still loathe him for what he did to me and the way he insulted me at the river this morning made me despise him even more.

He is still holding my waist, and I can see his whole face now that he put his shades on his head. I can't deny it; he still looks so handsome, and I can feel butterflies in my stomach, and I find it hard to breathe.

"Are you okay? Maya?" He asked, and that is my cue to push him away, and I run as far away from him. I don't even thank him, and I hate myself for being so clumsy. Why must it be Adonis who witnessed my most embarrassing moment?

And for sure, Adonis is reliving that point and laughing hard at me right now. When I got inside the house, I found it painful to walk, and I wondered how I ran away from Adonis when my feet and hip still hurt so much.

"Hey! What is wrong with you?" Rich asked me when he saw me writhing in pain.

"I was looking for you, and I stepped on a rock when I was on my way here; I lost my balance and slid to the ground," I replied, shocked when Rich carried me to the long sofa of their main living room. But I felt so glad he helped me since moving was so hard.

"Thank you, Rich," I spoke, and I tried to smile at him.

"You are welcome, but I think you sprained your ankle; let me get some ice," Rich said, and he left to go inside their kitchen. When he returned, he brought an ice bag for hot and cold therapy.

"I'm going to put this on your ankle since it was swelling up." He declared and gently put the cold pack on the affected area. I still feel discomfort and am glad Rich is here to help me. He put bondage on my ankle after he put on some ice, and I felt so ashamed.

"Rich, I don't think it is necessary to put bondage on my ankle," I muttered.

"It is needed, Maya. If you want to work tomorrow or next time, be careful and watch out your way, okay? I think Adonis has something to do with your minor accident." Rich declared, and I could feel my whole face turning red as I nodded. I felt like a child being reprimanded by my older brother.

"Yes, I will be more careful next time, and for your information, your best buddy has nothing to do with this; thank you so much, Rich," I replied as I pointed my finger at my ankle, and I admit it my swollen ankle feels better after the cold compressed and when he put bondage into it. I felt so lucky to have him as my friend.

"You are welcome; next time, try to control your face; you are so obvious; the way your face blushed tells me it was all because of Adonis." He said.

"What about me?" Adonis asked Rich, and I lowered my head to avoid eye contact with him. Why did he even bother to get inside the house when he looked so at peace sitting on the porch?

"Nothing; I just thought you were the reason for Maya's injury." Rich declared, and I wanted to cover my ears, for I was so scared to hear Rich's possible retort.

"What? I was sitting on the porch watching the scenery when she darted away from the pickup, and then she fell to the ground because of her clumsiness. Rich." Adonis replied.

"I have nothing to do with it. I even helped her stand up, but instead of saying thank you to me, she pushed and ran away from me." He added, and I could feel my ears heated with anger. Why did he have to emphasize my clumsiness? I remain silent since I felt so much pain, and I am not in the mood to counter him.

"Rich, take Maya and Adonis to the dining hall. I have already asked Laura to prepare a snack. Maya, I'm sorry, but I got a phone call from a client and need to talk with Benedict." Donya Esmeralda said, and Sh smiled at me.

"It's okay, Donya Esmeralda," I replied. I noticed Adonis staring at me and felt conscious that I had to look away from him. I wish him to go home to their plantation, and I wonder why he has to spend his time in the estate of the Hernandez.

Rich assisted me in going into the feasting hall, and I saw Adonis's face hardened. I knew he hated me for taking Rich's attention since he obviously didn't want his best friend to be friends with me.

I can smell the aroma of freshly baked Spanish bread wafting in the entire dining area as we get inside, and I can't stop smiling. Still, I stopped my wide grin when I saw the Monleon heir looking at me differently, which made me think maybe I had some dirt on my face, which is why he kept staring at me. I hate him for doing this because he doesn't realize it specifically affects me. And I can't keep myself from gazing at him.

I have already come to terms with myself to stop fantasizing about him, but if he continues to be like this, I can't hold myself from gaping at his handsome face. His dark brown eyes are hypnotizing me all over again.

"Are you two having a staring contest? At least this is new, you used to banter with each other, and now you are having a silent war." Rich commented, and that is when I looked away from Adonis and couldn't keep myself from blushing.

If I continue to be like this, Adonis Monleon will win because I perceive he is doing all this to test me. He wants to know if I am still so crazy about him, and maybe he thought the slap I gave him was only because of my adrenaline rush.

"I am just looking at Maya to find out what you have seen in her; as your best friend, I am trying to figure out your course of action. I have known you since we were young, Rich, and I get you, but this is the only time I don't understand you at all and why you would like her to be your friend." Adonis answered.

"There are a lot of beautiful farm assistants in your Hacienda. Why did you choose her? You are just like my sister. Ariana seems to adore her, and I felt there is something about her that only I can't see." He continued, and I got my entire body heated up with anger. I knew it; his intense gaze had a different meaning, and I was such a fool to be affected by him.

"Adonis, this is likewise the first time I don't get you. Maya differs from everyone I know. I am friends with the other farmhand, but I love Maya's company the most. She is not only beautiful, but she is a great person if you will give yourself a chance to know her." Richard countered with concern in his voice.

"Now, if you have a problem with it, I hope you will talk to me alone, not in front of Maya. I need you to respect my choice." Rich added, and I wanted to clap my hands, and I wish to stick out my tongue at him.

"Okay, if this is the only way I can have my best friend, then I think I have to give Maya a chance to prove her worth. Let me send her home." Adonis's reply made me cringe and was far from what I expected. I felt suddenly nervous and couldn't speak; it seemed they had cut my tongue out.

"Wow! That is great; I don't know what to say, Adonis." Rich replied, and I was frustrated that he didn't insist on driving me home.

"Excuse me, I get it. Rich, your best friend, doesn't want me; I'd rather walk than be in his car," I stated.

I felt so proud of myself that I could speak. But deep inside me, I am thinking about how it feels to ride in Adonis's car, and I know it smells like him. I disgust myself for daydreaming that maybe he will fasten my seatbelt as Rich did, and then he will kiss me again.

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