
Andrew's project

"How should I start this? Maxson Chapter was created by my teacher, Edward Lamset. At that time the group was named after him and when he died, I become the leader of the group thus giving it my name.

As for what did we do in that bunker…well, I don't really have that much information about it, as we didn't participate in the experiments that the government did there.

The only things that I know are the facts that this shit was made by humans, specifically for an upcoming war. Now, I don't know why there will be a war when most of the Special Forces are made by orphans from the entire world, but the greed can make even the most humble man a monster."

"I see, then these experiments, can you tell me more about them?"

"You need to know more about the USA using biological agents in warfare, which means that we need to talk about the United States biological weapons program. The United States biological weapons program was made by the US military in 1943, two years before the end of WW2. The program was really strange at the beginning as it was like a race between the USA and USSR to create the first biological weapon or the living weapon. It wasn't a pretty race as many living beings died even humans for something that was impossible to create at that time, but as the technology keep evolving, more and more ideas begin to appear which restart the same race that killed thousands of living beings in the name of science. Now, coming back to our times, the US army build this place for one single reason and that was to create the first super soldier, unfortunately for all of us, that project backfired so bad, that we barely survived while the project was somehow a success as it created the perfect soldier: No need for food, sleep or rest. It was a pure killing machine that will take a lot of effort to go down without knowing its weakness."

"Hmm, say, Maxson, that big guy that took my arm and killed my men, what was that?"

"That was our first human volunteer that they `used the serum on. At first, it was ok, even better than before. His strength increased, he didn't need food or rest even after running for two hours straight, but after ten hours his body began to burn like he was having a fever and after four more hours, he could barely move or talk. The next day, they found him dead in his cell and as the body was too big for them to move, they decided to burn it. That was their first mistake, the second mistake was distributing the serum to all of our military bases in the world to strengthen the soldiers or better said for testing. Another thing was the help we get from the Russians which father distribute the virus in the world thus starting the end of the world, from a city in China to a small village in Russia to a forgotten temple in Japan or a castle in Europe."

"I have no words left after I heard this piece of disturbing information."

"Welcome to our life, the world ain't always what the media says it is. Once again, I' sorry for what happen to you."

"It wasn't your fault, it was ours for not remain vigilant in an unknown place. I'm glad we managed to talk, but now, I need to meet with Andrew to see what he's building for me. See you later Maxson."

After we said our goodbyes, Maxson left the room while I decide to head towards Andrew's workshop, where, hopefully, I will find him.

Along the way I meet with some of my friends and subordinates and man, it was nice talking to them. All of them asked me similar things like "How am I doing?", " Am I alright?", "Do I need help doing something?" and believe me it was nice knowing that I have people that care about me, but after a couple of times it becomes annoying as hell. I may not have my left arm, but I still can beat their asses if I really want to.

One annoying hour later, I finally managed to arrive at Andrew's place. I didn't even bother to knock on the door and just entered the room where I saw Andrew and his team working on something.

When I get a closer look, I saw that the thing that they worked on was, in fact, a prosthetic arm for me. What can I say, when I saw that they worked so hard to build an arm for me, I felt tears gathering in my eyes.

By the time, I noticed Andrew's gaze, it was already too late. He was already smiling at me and decided to approach me when he saw me recovering.

"Morning, kid. How are you doing? Still in one piece?"

"Fuck you too, Andrew. How's it going?"

"Pretty good, the arm is ready for testing and now that our test subject has arrived we can start testing it right away."

"Black and red, pretty odd combination I may say."

"Don't judge me, the metal was dark red and the only thing we could do was to either make it white or black."

"Dark red metal? What's that?"

"Long story, Maxson told us that the USA found this metal in the Moon's orbit and brought some samples back to earth for study. Apparently, the metal is very durable and also very light which made me think that it will be the perfect material for your new prosthetic arm. "

"Tell me more about the arm, before we test it."

"Well, let's see, I made it so that it will work based on the muscles in your left arm or at least what was left out of it. I know that it may sound crazy, but it will actually let you use it as a real arm, with reflexes and stuff like that."

"Interesting, let's try it out then. Shall we?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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