
The Governor

Guillermo: Now, that, I think about it. One week ago, a man approached us, hoping to join their group. His name was Caesar Martinez, he said that he was here to invite us to join their group on behalf of the governor. We declined their offer as we didn't want to leave the old people we protect and take care of. If what you said its true, then maybe this whole thing is just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for what happened.

Eric: I'm glad that we managed to solve this misunderstanding peacefully, but if the said governor ordered the attack, then maybe this won't be the last time they will harass you.

Guillermo: That's what I fear. We won't be able to protect this place if my men keep dying from ambushes. Your people are free to go. Thanks for not attacking us first.

Eric: What are you guys going to do now?

Guillermo: We will fight, we can't do anything than wait for them to come to us.

Just as I was about to suggest something to Guillermo, I heard Jon's voice.

Jon: We have a problem.three trucks are coming to your location and I'm 100% sure that they aren't here for greetings. Should I fire at them?

I turn towards Guillermo and from the faces makes, he doesn't know anything about these trucks.

Eric: So, these aren't your friends?

Guillermo: No, we don't have any trucks. What are you going to do? They are here to kill us not you.

Eric: I'm sure that we will be the next target, so why not fight them together? Gather your men and be ready to fight. Jon, green light.

When Jon heard that he can shot, he aimed at the first truck and after two seconds, he fired.

The bullet pierced the windshield without any problems killing the driver. Without its driver, the truck lost control and rammed itself into a nearby building.

The other two trucks didn't even slow down when they saw that one truck was destroyed. Both trucks speed up seemly wanting to arrive at Guillermo base as soon as possible.

Unfortunately for them, Andrew was waiting for them with a tank ready to fire. When the first truck was seen, Andrew ordered Paul to aim for the truck and fire.

The truck drivers saw the tank and begin to panic as both of them slowed down, possibly wanting to go in reverse. Well, Lady Death has other plans for them and just as both of them stopped, our tank fired and in the next moment, the first truck exploded. The second truck managed to survive the explosion, but the truck was still damaged and with the truck stopped, Jon has a better sight of the driver.

Now that the drivers were dead, I signaled Guillermo to bring his men and follow us to check the trucks. We didn't have to wait much as five minutes later, Guillermo and his gang exit the building. He was followed by twenty or so men and women (A/N: Not canon, but I still think that there should be women in his group as I believe, he won't let the nurses unarmed in case something happens to them).

With the addition of Guillermo's gang, we slowly approached the second truck as the first one was blown by Andrew. When we walked beside the truck, I saw burned bodies in the truck's container.

Eric: Be careful, we may have to fight more people.

I said towards them as I signaled them to look inside the container. When they looked inside, they understand that the enemy may attack us when we open the containers.

As we approach the second truck, we begin to hear noises and bangs coming from inside the container.

I decided to put all of the fighters on the sides in case there is a slight chance the enemy may have a machine gun inside.

Ace decided to open the container doors while we will cover him in case something jumps on him.

When he opened the doors, we were greeted by a horde of hungry zombies. Looking at the horde, I didn't hesitate and fired my rifle into the mass of zombies. The fighters from both of our groups followed my decision and fired at the zombies as well.

After we killed every zombie in both of the trucks, I decided to speak with Guillermo about what he will do now that his place is compromised.

I saw him speaking with one of his men about the attack. His man saw me and informed Guillermo that I want to speak with him.

Guillermo: Thank you for your help. I don't think we would have survived this attack.

Eric: No problem man, but what are you going to do now?

Guillermo: I don't know, we can't leave this place as it will mean that the old people will have to die for us to survive and I'm not ready for this sacrifice.

Eric: How many people do you have?Nurses and old people together.

Guillermo: Twenty men from my gang, ten nurses, and sixteen old people. Why do you ask?

Eric: If I give you guys a place to live, would you join me?

Guillermo: If you help me protect these people. I will join you. The same can be said for all of my men, but where is your place located?

Eric: Atlanta subway system.

Guillermo: The safest place in the entire city, you must have a lot of people to take care of the whole metro system.

Eric: Not really, we live in Hamilton E Holmes, the end of the blue line. We cleared two stations and sealed the tunnel as we had some zombie problems. We use the first station as our base while the second one is mostly empty as we don't need that much space. So what do you say? Will you join us?

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