
Rick and Eric

<Eric POV >

"Wait, let's talk. No need for a fight."

All of us looked at Rick. Morgan and his son were throwing a deadly glare at him while I and my group looked at Rick surprised to see him out.

Rick noticed the looks he got from us and looked a little confused until he finally recognizes me.

"Eric, Eric Jarl? Is that you?"

I smiled at him.

"The only one, sir. When did you get out? When we left, you were pretty much a vegetable."

"Earlier today, I woke up and found that my family has disappeared and the world has ended. Morgan here saves my ass from a walker."

"I see. (Turning my head towards Morgan) Why did you tackle me? I don't remember doing something that may have harmed you or you boy."

"You killed her (He yelled at me pointing at his dead zombie wife)"

Seeing that the man was rather volatile, I decided to be a jerk and end this conflict.

"Man, she was already dead. I just gave her mercy so that she can watch you and your boy from up there."

My words hit the man like a truck. Hearing my words Morgan and Duane froze and looked at the ground thinking about what I said. Meanwhile, my group was looking at the whole drama with a slight frown on their faces while Rick was waiting for Morgan to take action so that he may stop the man from getting injured or even killed.

After five long and awkward minutes, Morgan gets up and walked towards me. Paul saw the man getting up and walking towards me which made him point his rifle at Morgan.

The girls didn't know what to do as they were normal people, not some soldier or a crazy teenager.

When arrived in front of me, Morgan looked at me.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, Eric. I hope you will forgive me and thank you for your words. I know what I must do from now on."

"Glad to help. Now that this situation was resolved, we will leave. No need to stay in your home area."

"I don't mind. You can even stay the night at my house."

"Sorry, but we need to get back to our place. Stay safe and remember the head is the weak point."

After our little discussion, we decided to leave, leaving Morgan and his son with Rick to their things.

Rick seems to be a little reluctant to see us leave, but I won't stay with a man that tried to attack me. Trust is gained from your actions and I won't trust a man that attacked me without a good reason.

One hour later we arrived at our base.

The place was clean of any danger. When we got inside, Paul approaches me.

"You decided to leave because you can't risk our safety right?"

"I'm surprised you notice it. Yes, I'm afraid for our lives, but who wouldn't be? The world has just ended and we have humans and zombies to deal with now. As it wasn't hard enough when everything was ok."

"That man, the cop, do you know him?"

"Yeah, I got to know him from his partner. A good man, but he's a fighter from what I heard. He won't leave a man behind and would do anything for his friends and family."

"Kid, are you sure you didn't have any training? You sound like a leader that looks after his men. You know things about the people we meet and you even managed to calm down that black man."

"Years of gaming. That's my excuse."

As we chat, Ellen appears with two bowls of soup that she and Gale cooked for us this morning.

"Here, you guys should be hungry, after all, we gave mercy to a lot of walkers. "

"Thank you, Ellen."

"Thank you, Miss Ellen."

"What did you boys discuss?"

"Eric's leading skills. He seemed rather worried for our lives."

"So cute. Come here."

Without any time to react, Ellen hugged me. Now, this was a little bit awkward as I was a lot taller than her. She was 1.70 while I was 1.90 meters.

After one long awkward hug, she let go of me when she heard Paul laughing at me.

"What happened? Why are laughing? Does seeing me hugging a worried boy make you laugh?"

"No, no. It was a mistake, Mam!

"Better, now piss off."

With that sentence, Ellen managed to defeat Paul and I was left alone to eat my soup. After that, I took the first watch.

Next day

When I woke up, I heard Paul speaking with someone. I couldn't understand what he said, but I recognized the other voice. Rick Grimes had come here.

Two minutes later, I managed to find them speaking outside of the fire station.

After some time, I finally get to know how he found us. He saw Paul when he was doing his guard duty and decided to come to speak with us. He, Morgan, and Morgan's son decided to head towards the police station and Rick wanted to invite us to go with them.

Now that was a good idea as we may find some good stuff there. Maybe even some riot gear. That would be awesome. Herring that we would come with them, Rick let a sigh that he held. He thought that we would be angry at them for what Morgan did last night.

Seeing that we have some plans for today, I decided to invite Rick and the Jones to eat with us before we will raid the police station.

Next chapter in a few hours.

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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