
Finally, A Chance To Blow Off Some Steam!

Guided by Sergeant Randy, the three entered the swirling purple portal. The space shifted, changing into a slightly different cave interior. It was just very large. Much larger than the first cave. If not for the very noticeable size difference, Adam would not be able to tell if he entered the portal..

("It's just like the other dungeons…") [Adam]

Vibrant blue crystals stuck out of the ground and ceilings. There were several other soldiers inside the cave, each having a 3-man cell of one mining the crystals and the other two guarding them.

"Get to mining, donkey." [Sergeant Randy]

He grabbed Adam's shoulder and ushered him to the nearest crystal vein.

("Rude…") [Adam]

Placing the bag he was carrying down, Adam began to chip away at the crystals.

("Oh, this isn't too hard.") [Adam]

The pickaxe he was given was already worn, but it was getting the job done. Matter of fact, he was practically bulldozing through the minerals.

"Huh. You're not too bad. Well, I guess having a strong body is essential if you don't have a good ability." [Sergeant Randy]

Brandon and Sora exchanged nervous glances.

("We really had to get a levelist superior…") [Brandon]

Adam ignored Sergeant Randy's comments and continued to mine away. Within minutes, the bag had already filled itself halfway.

"Weapons ready!" [???]

A voice cried out from further in the cave. Upon hearing it, the other soldiers reacted quickly.

"Weapons ready!" [Sergeant Randy]

All armed soldiers raised their rifles and scanned the area. Brandon and Sora, however, were still confused.

"What are you two doing?! Lift up your weapons!" [Sergeant Randy]

"Y-Yes sir!" [Sora] [Brandon]

The two aimed towards the voice, which soon became a soldier running towards them in a panic.

"Voidlings! Class 3 group! Approximately level 4-5!" [Panicked Soldier]

"Class three?! Everyone, barricade!" [Sergeant Randy]

The soldiers quickly formed a line and pulled all "donkeys" to the backline. They then made a small gap for the running soldier to pass through. He then tripped and landed in front of Sergeant Randy.

"Ugh!" [Panicked Soldier]

Ignoring the soldier's state, Sergeant Randy grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to his feet.

"What about the others?!" [Sergeant Randy]

"K.I.A.! They appeared out of nowhere!" [Panicked Soldier]

Sergeant Randy grit his teeth.

"Shit! Go inform Captain Kumre!" [Sergeant Randy]

"Yes sir!" [Panicked Soldier]

He then practically tossed the soldier through the portal.

"What a shitty day…" [Sergeant Randy]

Within moments, the ground began to shake.

"They're coming!" [Sergeant Randy]

A large group of monstrous beings emerged from the depths of the cave, practically climbing on each other to go forward.

"Open fire!" [Sergeant Randy]

All soldiers unleashed what could only be perceived as hellfire. Hundreds, if not thousands of blue lights flew across the cavern. Tens of voidlings fell, punctured full of holes like cheese.

"Hold the line! Don't let them come close!" [Sergeant Randy]

There was no need to reload, nor was there time to allow the barrels to cool down. The only ammunition spent was the user's mana.

"Oho… Human advancements have come quite far." [Astos]

In Astos' time, the furthest advancement were catapults. It piqued his interest that such machinations could be crafted by mortals.

"It's truly unfortunate." [Astos]

("...Unfortunate?") [Adam]

"It's unfortunate it will not be enough to deal with Cavos." [Astos]

("Cavos? Oh. I forgot that's what you call voidlings.") [Adam]

"You dare?! They aren't called voidlings, you insufferable brat!" [Astos]

The voidling swarm surged, pushing forward an immense number of adversaries. Not only that, monsters with hardened skins came forward to deflect the rifle's ammunition.

"Permission to use abilities granted! Give 'em hell!" [Sergeant Randy]

A wall of projectiles launched themselves at the voidlings. Death by fire, punctured by earth, melted by acid, shredded by wind. There were so many ways they perished.

"Keep it coming! We can't let them leave!" [Sergeant Randy]

The soldiers let out a battle cry and threw all they had. So much so that it almost demolished the entire force of monsters. However, one among them was different. A massive voidling shook off the soldier's abilities and simply moved forward.

"What the…?" [Sergeant Randy]

As he watched in awe, his watch began to beep rapidly. Upon checking it, despair overcame him.

"L-Level seven…?" [Sergeant Randy]

The singular massive voidling mindlessly crushed its own kind in an effort to approach the soldiers. It was shaped like a human, only having six arms and appeared to hold a wooden staff and a golden sword. It had long white hair along with dark gray skin, similar to the guardian. 

"Humans…" [???]

A voice echoed within Adam's mind.

("...What is that?") [Adam]

Judging from the look on everyone else's face, he wasn't the only one who could hear it.

"Be vanquished…" [???]

The voidling raised its massive staff. It was lucky that the cave ceiling was high enough not to hinder it.

"For our god!" [???]

It then slammed the staff into the ground, causing fissures to form.

"Hold your ground!" [Sergeant Randy]

The cavern shook enough for many soldiers to lose their footing. Fortunately, it appeared that the smaller voidlings were being affected by it as well.

"Regroup! We can't afford to lose momentum!" [Sergeant Randy]

The soldiers regained their footing and continued to use their abilities without rest.

"S-Sir! Unidentified enemies are emerging!" [Frightened Soldier]

"What?!" [Sergeant Randy]

("Unidentified?! What else could it be other than voidlings?!") [Sergeant Randy]

Peering over his line of soldiers, he could see what seemed to be the remains of voidlings and people crawling out of the fissures.

"Ah, necromancy. Quite troublesome to deal with if you ask me." [Astos]

("...What's necromancy?") [Adam]

"It's an old magic capable of reanimating the dead. It costs some mana to summon them, and also some more mana to repair them if damaged. Those who use these magics are known as necromancers." [Krino]

"Oh. Kind of like zombies, huh. Minus the magic guy." [Adam]

"...What are zombies?" [Astos]

Adam watched from the backline as voidlings and undead were barraged with unrelenting attacks. However, the voidlings would only become undead upon defeat and the already deceased would piece themselves back together.

("It's never ending!") [Adam]

"As I said, it costs mana to repair them. So, no, it is not." [Astos]

("Oh yeah? How many do we have to destroy for it to end?") [Adam]

There was a momentary silence.

"...Perhaps a year considering that Cavos' mana pool." [Astos]

That was not good news.

("Will it end if the big guy dies?") [Adam]

"What do I get if I tell you?" [Astos]

("Me not dying and taking you with me.") [Adam]

"Hah! He's got you there. ...Hold on. Wait, that includes me too y'know!" [Krino]

It didn't take much contemplating for Astos to answer.

"There are few spells that last after its caster passes away. Unless it's curse magic. I utterly despise those who use it." [Astos]

("...My guy. I asked a yes or no question.") [Adam]

Astos let out an annoyed grunt.

"...Yes." [Astos]

("That's all I needed to know.") [Adam]

Standing up, he approached the line of soldiers.

"Hey! What are you doing, donkey!" [Sergeant Randy]

"Killing the necromancer. Just sit tight, I'll be right back." [Adam]

Wonder what the gold sword does. Thanks for reading!

Vilincecreators' thoughts
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