
Chapter 9:Angel boy

Naboo, Theed

Royal Palace

After meeting with the queen, Captain Panaka took me to the guest rooms, and as expected from the royal palace, it was much more luxurious than the hotel room I was using until then, after showing me the room, and saying that he would send someone to pick me up the next day for my duties as a bodyguard, he just left.

I think he is still mad at my joke, * (Hehe) *.

After taking a look around the room and finding nothing particularly interesting, I take a quick shower to cool off before putting on light clothes and sitting on the bed in a meditative position, I start to float in the air while what appear to be 3 steel cables with the thickness of a string,with 20 meters each, revolve around me like snakes, this is one of the applications that I discovered when mixing Mechu-deru + TK, I can make a connection with the cables through the force using Mechu-deru (Magnetic -control), and use TK to control them as if they were part of my body, and even though they seem to be made of Steel, this is made of Ultrachrome that I bought in the system, in the materials tab, although it took all my savings credit, and I only managed to make 3.

(AN: yes, I got the idea of ​​Orochimaru + Doctor Octopus, some may think it's stupid, but I like it and I'm going to use it, I'm trying to balance Mc's OP level, it's too early for him to become the strongest,so wait that the truly OP skills that some of you have suggested may appear later).

Ultrachrome was a material used to build ships during the great Sith war, which occurred thousands of years before the films. Thanks to its superconducting nature, it can resist attacks by a saberlight.

When in contact with the Ultrachrome surface, the energy of the blade would be conducted through the entire solid mass, spreading through it, instead of being concentrated in only one point.

I have named the cables as 'Orochi', in honor of the man I got the idea from, and I was very pleased with the tests I did during my training times in the forest, 'Orochi' is able to crush trees and stones as if they were made of pudding, and they get stronger the more power of the force I use on them, in addition to being very quick in the matter of retraction and twisting, so until I got training and my own lightsaber I would be using it, ... or maybe even after.

As Orochi is quite thin and meleable (with Mechu-deru), I normally just leave it wrapped in my right arm in a spiral shape up to the top of my chest, underneath the starkiller clothes it is imperceptible, besides I can use it to defend against attacks of lightsaber with my arms, which I don't intend to try, but it's good to know that I have the option.

So after creating 'Orochi', I always do meditation with them replacing a lightsaber, this helps a lot to increase control.


John continued to meditate until the next morning, when one of the queen's maids came by Panaka's order so that he could do his Bodyguard duties. Fully dressed in Starkiller clothes, including the cloak, John begins to follow Maid in towards the throne room, even though he has gotten used to people staring at him for the past 6 months, he still finds it a little annoying, so until he finishes building his mask, (the new cover image), he just uses the hood to cover his face.

Entering the throne room Jhon quickly noticed that this time the queen was not alone, all the royal advisory council was gathered here, and they seemed to be discussing the issues of the Senate and the trade conference, which has been doing strange political movements,they looked exactly the same as in John's memories, so after looking through them, he loses interest. (AN: Yes, he's using the Player's Mind skill, so expect different behaviors from him for different people, he can be kind and warm to one person, and cold and indifferent to another)

'' Good morning, your highness, '' John says calmly to Padme with a little bow, before positioning himself behind the throne and a little to the side, before literally 'sitting in the air', and starting to meditate. While Padme responds with a nod of acknowledgment, although she didn't let it show on her face, she was surprised by his casualness and how he simply sat in the air, before simply attributing it to 'Jedi stuff'.

But although she managed to keep her expression, the same could not be said of the rest of the council, dismay and confusion was all that their countenance displayed, before a male member of the council turned to the queen and asked, '' Who is this boy, your highness? ''

'' He's a new bodyguard I hired yesterday '', she says with her impassive queenly expression, '' He came to me with a warning, according to him, in 6 months we will suffer some kind of invasion, and he is here to protect me. ''

"And did you just believe him?", Contested a female board member with a frown, finding the whole situation very suspicious.

'' Let's say he was very ... persuasive '', Padme says, '' he could have killed me next to my royal guard yesterday if that was his intention, besides that ... something like an instinct, a whisper says that he is not lying, so I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt ''

* Humph * Panaka grunts, showing his discontent with the idea, but as is the order of the queen he says nothing.

* (Hahaha, seriously this guy is very spiteful, but I bet he will thank me later) *, John thinks with a slight smile on his lips, while keeps meditating as if the conversation is not about him.

'' But your majesty, how can you trust ... '' another board member tries to protest but Padme gets in the way.

"Enough, I already made my decision," she says, before resuming the meeting, and although they haven't said anything else, the rest of the council continued to look at me cautiously.


Days passed and turned into weeks, people got used to the strange 'handsome jedi boy', as he was known to the palace's maid's and servants, while he followed the queen everywhere like a shadow.

During his time at the palace, John only meditated and trained skills in the force that only needed concentration, like [FORCE HEAL] and [FOCE STEALTH], achieving many good results in them, with one of them being the ability to hide in the force , basically becoming 'invisible';

During this time John ended up forming a small friendship with padme, John still feels cautious and suspicious on her part, but it is understandable, he believes that she will only fully believe him, when the invasion begins and she sees it with her own eyes.

With that said, they became close enough to converse casually during Padme's breaks, with a very interesting specific conversation about Jhon's race and appearance.


Some days ago

Palacio Real de Theed, Gardens

'' So, John, if you don't mind me asking, what breed are you from? '' She asks as she looks curiously at his pointed ears, '' I've seen many different breeds during my visits to the Senate, but not yet I remember seeing nobody like you. ''

At that moment John is without a hood, with his straight light hair, which has grown a lot in recent times tied in a small ponytail, which reaches the nape of the neck, and some locks falling over his eyes.

John replies back, waving a hand that he doesn't care about her question, '' it's okay, I'm a Hybrid between a Diathim and Hapan, the characteristics of Hapan are the pointed ears, although mine are a little bit different, they are also known for having poor night vision, and living in a matriarchal society, although I don't have the vision problem, as as you can see, I inherited Diathim's eyes. ''

Padme frowned as if trying to remember something, before shaking his head, "I don't really remember any of those races, but the galaxy is huge so it's not much of a surprise ...," after a few seconds she asks again, '' and Diathim, what are they, are the eyes the only thing that differentiates them from humans? '' she asks as I look into John's blue eyes.

''ahn ... well, The Diathim, also known as the Angels, were a mysterious species of winged sentients who inhabited the moons of the planet Iego, they are said to be very beautiful, in addition to being known for being very tall and have almost translucent skin, and although I have acquired many characteristics of them, I am still just a Hybrid, so besides some specific characteristics, I am not very different from a human ''

She nods as she continues to stare at me with a curious gleam in her eyes, before they suddenly widen as if she notices something, "wait, winged species? Do you have wings? Can you fly?"

'' hughh ... '' I put my hand behind my neck in embarrassment, '' well yes I have wings, but no, I still can't fly, my body needs to develop first * (That was something I asked Light for a long time) *

[ohoo, so you still remember me!], suddenly Light's 'angry' voice sounds in my head

* (Ughh, I'm sorry Light, I didn't forget about you .. I was just busy with all the training and ..., I'm sorry, I'll talk to you more from now on) *

[Hehe, it was just a joke John, I'm just following the personality you gave me]

(AN: I didn't forget it abou Light, I just didn't see much need to include it in the last chapters, as a way of showing that the MC is no longer as dependent on her, as it was at the beginning)

Before I can respond to Light, Padme takes me out of my thoughts with an excited cry, "Really? Can you show me?"

To tell you the truth, I didn't really want to show it, as Light said I couldn't fly with the wings yet,so I never bothered to 'invoke them', it seems that I have an organ on my back that does this, (AN: don't ask how it works, I'm just making nonsense), so I'm kind of apprehensive that I have butterfly wings or flies and look like a damn insect.

But looking at Padme's bright eyes, I couldn't say no, so with a bitter smile I answer her, '' of course Padme, but know that until today I never used them, so I don't know what they look like either ''

"Uhn", she just nods excitedly as if she doesn't care, the curious sparkle in her eyes doesn't diminish in the slightest.

With a sigh, I turn my back to her, before removing the cloak and lifting the shirt, * (I will have to create an outfit that will not interfere with this later) *, I think before closing my eyes and leaving something going out, it's like controlling 'Orochi', it's part of my body so it's not very difficult.

Without any kind of magic glow or any effect appearing, three pairs of small wings grow from my back like branches of a tree, with the top pairs slightly larger than the ones below, but still the three pairs are very small, * (so it is that's why I can't fly, it's still very small.) *, I also gave a sigh of relief that looked like small wings of a normal bird, not wings of butterflies.

(AN: I will post the image in the comments section)

[well John, this is due to a mutation that occurred due to the merging of the two lineages, a Dathim's wing is translucent, and they don't exactly need to flap their wings to fly, unlike you, you could say, that the your wings are more 'normal',although you have 3 pairs of wings, and they only 2]

I give a nod to Light's explanation.

Turning to padme, I can see her eyes shining like two headlights, I bet that if she tries a little harder, she can shoot laser rays from her eyes.

With obvious excitement in her voice she asks, '' can i touch? ''

I just nod.

she approaches and starts to caress the wings, which sends a shiver down my spine and then all over my body, "Mmmm ~!" I widen my eyes with a strange moan that comes out of my mouth.

Padme looks at me confused, as if wondering why I had this reaction.

* Cough *, I turn around to hide my flushed face while activating the 'Player's Mind' that I keep off when I'm alone with Padme, before answering in a calm voice, '' they are a little sensitive, so try to be more gentle ''

she nod with a flushed face, I think she finally understood my reaction,'' it's so soft and fluffy, '' she exclaims with a smile.

* Cough *,

A cough suddenly happened near some of the bushes in the palace garden, Padme had a scare jump,as if she had been caught doing something bad, before turning in the direction of the voice and finding one of her Maid's, giving both of us an strange look, and an curious one to my still exposed wings, she says, '' Majesty, the council is asking for an audience, they have already met in the throne room ''

"Oo,ok, I'm going there now", she says while stuttering a little, and runs off to hide her embarrassment,the maid leaves right behind.

I retract my wings before adjusting my robes again, before following the queen, I still have to do the bodyguard job ....

After that day, I got another nickname at the Palace, '' Angel Boy '', which in my opinion could have been worse, as a bird boy or something like that,so I didn't complain.

And so, the time passed passively, until we got close to the date of my birthday of 1 year in the new life, and 13 in the body, and it is also the same time that the invasion begins .....

**************************************************** *********************

OK, this chapter was to show and develop a little the relationship between Padme and John, In addition to explaining about the damn wings that you keep asking, I didn't forget, I was just waiting for an opportunity to explain.

as to the type of wing I gave the MC.

makes sense? no

but I like it like this, and it will be like this, if you don't like it, create a fan fic and do it the way you want.

and for those who say that Padme and MC together will change the future a lot, I just have one thing to say, this is the idea.

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Barruchcreators' thoughts
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