
Chapter 49: Three years worth of Tea cups

She could only learn the process of creating pottery from the old lady when the day was over she knew her ten minutes were complete so she bid farewell to her, bowing in gratitude and she turns to leave wishing she could pay back her for her favour but truly didn't have any gold and she can't do magic. What to do? She walked to a few meters that she turns to look at her and then blink. The old lady had disappeared, shocked she runs to the place where was the shop but there was nothing, no stall, no cups, no pottery making wheal. Strange, then she saw at the ground the red lily teacup was there. She frowned, who was she? Hong Liu picked it up and went to the hill where she flew to the Celestial Realm.

Hong Liu started to use Ren's back yard to make teacups every day she would make exactly seventy-two teacup and paint them the next day she never achieved the perfection sometimes the cups will end up cracked in the end or they would never get the perfect smooth shape but she always ends it in with red lily painted over it on the rough surface no matter how terrible it ended up she never stopped trying. It put her mind off the main object of her heavy art so she impressed herself in it completely.

The days passed and she saw her aunt started to leave her hesitation behind. She started to smile more, there was one time Hong Liu enters the cocoon and she was blushing furiously. Hong Liu had a strong institution that she walked into something she shouldn't have. Mi Gu, her aunts faithful assistant and her friend, started to accompany her more to the Ren's hut then staying at cocoon for the same reason.

Mi Gu square face was frowning as he looks at all the cups, why the little highness has suddenly started show interest in pottery? There was a time Gu Gu did try to teach her some art but she will always end doing something worse and seeing all the ill-shaped teacups with a half-decent painting of red lilies is a clear indication she was no better. He frowns as he saw her another attempt plastered on the ground.

"Little Highness, why don't we go somewhere else?" Mi Gu suggested, frankly speaking, he was bored. Days with Little Highness use to be fun.

"Why?" Hong Liu frowned as she tries to keep her hand steady to give the cup shape but again her fingers betrayed her on wheal. 'I think I use to much pressure,' Hong Liu thought.

"I don't understand why you are interested in this but can't go to the hill or the pearl lake or this one is better...we can pull a new joke on wolf Yu,"

Wolf Yu was a sometimes friendly neighbour of Hong Liu who lived in a nearby cave, it been only twenty thousand years since he cultivated himself into human form. He is the easiest target to trick and play jokes on but in the Hong Liu always find a way to coax him to play with her again.

"No, I want to make perfect teacup and I am sure wolf Yu appreciate his time alone," Hong Liu chuckled at the memory that she had painted all of his fur purples while he was sleeping last time. Yes, he would enjoy some peace and quite.

Mi Gu scratches the back of his head with his shoulder down in disappointment. Turn out Young Highness is quite persistent and this persistent of her stayed for the next three years, some turn out half decent cups but it was never beautiful like of that mortal old lady. When she was not making teacups she was cultivating and training hard in martial arts, she got so better than in immortal academy no one in her generation could beat her. It was the final day of her exams and she was fighting her last opponent in the training ground as her second last test that she has to give today.

She circles her opponent with her sword straight pointing at him, it was Gu Wu her fellow classmate a boy of her age with thin and lean body frame in the appearance he looks weak but Hong Liu knew his reflexes are better then her making him have a clear safe with her every attack. They were the last one standing, he is good at saving himself to catch him off guard she has to make him attack. She stops and straightens her back, circling him again, if she didn't initiate any attack he had to meanwhile she just kept her attack stance meaningless that just tired him out making him desperate to end this fight and then he attacked, Hong Liu can't help but smirk at she got her window and it took three blows at him that he was on the ground. Hong Liu bit her lower lip to hide her feeling of smugness. She got her first position clearly. The next and last exam that was left was history, the moment she opens her exam scroll and her heart sunk to her stomach. Every question was related to the prehistoric era, therefore in every answer, there was the First Lord Dong Hai. It not like she didn't know that this would happen, he is, after all, the most celebrated historic figure and everything in history is filled with him. She prepared for the exam but it definitely didn't help that she have to mention his three times at least in every answer. She swallows and started writing.

When she comes out of her academy, her heart was again filled with soreness. Sometimes she asked herself what is she holding on to so tightly? He didn't even come looking for her when she left his palace without telling him. Why can't she let go of him? Why does she feel so much for him? Seeing back, she can count the times on her finger he actually talks to her? Then what was in his silence that grabbed her so much? But there was no answer, she walked to the Ren's hut.

When Ren's hut come to the view her breath stop, there were three figures on the porch having tea. Ren, her grandfather and...The First Lord Dong Hai.

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