
How Dare You!

Maggie's POV

I woke up to see Conor, Joe, Josh, Zoe, and Sophia looking down at me.

"Fucking hell. What happened?" I groaned in pain as I had a headache. Bailey was the first to answer. "You fainted whilst having a panic attack. Jack called all of us over." She motioned towards everyone.

Jack! He's in for it now.

"Where the fuck is that bastard?" My first instinct was to find him, and slap him as hard as I could. Sure he helped me, but that's no excuse for him cheating on me. Everyone's jaws fell to the floor with my reaction. Zoe was the first to speak up.

"He went outside for some air. Why are you so angry? What happened?" She came forward to attempt to hug me.

"I woke up to the sound of him on the phone with someone calling them "baby" and saying that he was going to "cut things off" with me." It was then that I started to cry. I stepped towards Sophie and she held me in a tight hug.

"I'm just so confused. Last night we were fine, and now, he's calling up another girl." I cried into Sophie's shirt which was now soaking wet.

"You were right Sophs, so were you Joe. I should've listened to you." When I looked up, I saw Conor, with the angriest face on.

"HE DID WHAT?!" He yelled so loud that it made everyone jump.

"Conor mate, relax." Joe said as he was trying to calm him down.

"No. I'm not going to relax. What I am going to do is go find that asshole and give him an earful!" He was outraged at this point. I stood up and walked towards Conor and slowly said,

"Conor, don't. It isn't going to solve anything okay?" I saw his face soften.

"If it's anybody's fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have let him toy with my heart like that." I looked down at the floor.

"Hey, it isn't your fault okay?" Conor brought me into a big bear hug.

"Conor let me go, I need to breathe at some point." All of us smiled.

At that minute, Jack walked in.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" He tried to run up to me and give me a hug, but I stepped back. Everyone gave him angry glares.

"What's wrong?" He asked, acting absolutely clueless to what he's done.

"Oh you know what's going on Jack. Don't act all innocent! Conor told you that she's gone through enough in the past, but you just had to go though with it anyways!" This was the first time Joe had said a single word during this entire quarrel. Meanwhile Jack looked at everyone's faces, then his eyes finally landed on mine. I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. It would hurt me even more.

"Mags, princess. Please, tell me what's wrong." He was begging on his knees.

"I heard your conversation this morning Jack." I said.

Jack's POV

Shit. How am I going to get out of this one.

"Why are you angry anyways? We aren't even together?" Then, there was a minute of silence. Everyone was quiet.

Maggie's POV

That triggered me. How could he say that? After what happened last night. It was so quiet in the room that you could hear a pin drop. I stepped towards Jack and said,

"I opened up to you, I let my guard down. I see that was a total mistake, and now, my heart is shattered once again." With that, I ran out the door. I could hear Bailey calling my name behind me. I didn't turn back. I made my way to my car and drove myself to the only place that I would go in these types of situations. My secret hideout.

Between the next hour, I'd been crying for so long that I hadn't noticed how many calls and texts I'd received from everyone.

Sophs😚: (4 new messages and 10 missed calls)

Papa Bear🐻: (7 new messages and 3 missed calls)

Brother Joe💥: (12 new messages and 4 missed calls)

Zo Zo💅:( 14 new messages and 16 missed calls)

Jack🤘🏻: (5 new messages and 2 missed calls)

Who knew Zoe would be the most concerned. I felt an enormous pang of guilt when I thought about how worried everyone was. But then I looked down at his name.

Should I even bother? Yes, wait.. no. Yes? Screw you brain.

I opened up his messages.

Jack🤘🏻: Mags, please come back

Jack🤘🏻: Let me explain everything to you.

Jack🤘🏻: We're all worried.

Jack🤘🏻: Come back, we need you here.

Jack🤘🏻: I'm so sorry,

You're sorry? YOURE SORRY?! Bitch! Ugh! I can't believe this arsehole. I should go back though.

I quickly responded to everyone (except Jack)that I was on my way back. As I was driving back,I thought to myself.

Should I really go back in? Things will be so weird between everyone. And I was right. When I got in, I could practically feel the tension in the air. Josh was staring at me, Joe was biting his nails, Sophie was on the verge of tears, Zoe looked like she was texting me again, Conor was pacing the room and Jack...Screw him. Since nobody was said anything, I took charge.

"Well if none of you are going to say anything, I will. Josh stop staring at me, Joe, get your fingers out of your mouth, it's gross. Sophia don't cry, I'm alive, Zoe my phone is already blowing up with texts, Conor stop pacing it's annoying, Jack you're asshole, and I'm going to get this mascara off my cheeks and take some time alone.

Once again, everyone was speechless. But on the bright side, they listened to me. (Perks of being bossy😉). One I reached my room, I shut the door, and went to freshen up, since I looked like I'd been crying for days.

Feels like it

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