

Like Amelia said, we stop at her house to drop off her clothes. It's been a while since I've been in Amelia's apartment, and I get reminded of just how fun it can be to spend some time in your friend's house.

'Sorry about the mess, I don't really get time to clean,' she pulls a face at her bedroom floor, kicking some of her clothes out of the way. She walks over to her bed and plonks herself down. 'So, what are we doing?'

'I don't know. Talk a while or something.'

Amelia snaps her fingers. 'Don't be stupid. Let's go shopping.'

'Oh my god.' I roll my eyes. 'Seriously?'

'Yeah, but I didn't specify where.' Amelia winks at me. 'You need art supplies, right? Let's go.'

'Wait, really?' I say, bewildered. 'But you don't even like drawing…'

'Hey, this is an evening for you, not for me.' Amelia gets up from her bed. 'Come on, let's go.'

I know for a fact that Amelia hates going shopping for something she doesn��t like, and her wanting to spend time doing just that for me creates a warm glow inside me, making me feel better. I do something I haven't done in a long time. I go over and hug Amelia.

'Oh, are we getting a little more socially active now?' she laughs, hugging me back. It's been so long since I've hugged someone that the gesture feels new. I want to stay in Amelia's warm embrace forever, but she draws back and turns around to face her mirror.

'I hope you brought your wallet.' She says, combing her hands through her hair. 'I'm not gonna pay for what you want to buy.'

I laugh. 'I have it here, silly,' I wave my wallet at her. 'And stop preening, your hair is gorgeous.'

'Did you just compliment me?' Amelia looks at me in the mirror in disbelief.

'Aw, don't make me take it back now,' I say, watching Amelia shake out her blonde curls. I begin to wish I had hair like her instead of having limp black hair that never looks like I want it to look. Then Amelia taps on my shoulder and I snap out of my thoughts.

'What are you waiting for? Let's go!' Amelia takes my hand and drags me along behind her. I smile to myself and let her lead me, down her apartment building stairs and through the front lobby.

'Why do you have a beanie on, anyway?' Amelia looks at me.

'Huh?' my hands go up to touch it. 'Eh, I just wanted to wear it. It's not that hot today, anyway.'

'Any idea which shop I'm taking you to?'

'You're taking me to? I don't know.'

'You know that new shop that just opened up?' Amelia says, waving her hands in the air to illustrate. 'The new art shop that's everyone's talking about?'

I shrug, shoving my hands into my pants pockets. 'No…?'

'Seriously?' Amelia raises her eyebrows at me. 'It's supposed to be crazy good. It has all these art tools or something that apparently no other shop has.'

'Then wouldn't that be, like, expensive?' I say. 'I don't think my poor wallet can afford that.'

Amelia laughs. 'I don't know. I haven't been there or anything. One of my friends just mentioned it to me.'

'Oh? Is your friend the "everyone" you were talking about?'

Amelia pokes my arm. 'Shut up.'

I laugh and let her sling an arm around me. Being with friends after a while feels nice, especially if it's a friend you've known for a long time. I begin to contemplate telling her about my…homosexuality. Am I actually homosexual? It feels like I'm not even though I like Kara.

Amelia waves a hand in front of my face, and I blink rapidly. 'Hey, you still there?'

'Yeah. Did you, uh, say something to me?'

Amelia rolls her eyes. 'I was asking if you would mind having me in one of your videos.' Her mood suddenly transitions to sheepish, and she takes her arm from around my shoulders. 'I, uh, decided to try Minecraft.'

My face breaks out in a grin. 'You WHAT?' I exclaim delightedly.

Amelia pokes my arm again. 'Okay, fine, I know you'll tease me about this and all, but watching your videos stopped making me think Minecraft was a game for kids, and –'

'This is so cool!' I say, making a motion towards Amelia as if I was going to pick her up and swing her around. My words tumble out in a rush. 'Oh-my-god-I-can't-believe-this!'

Amelia laughs sheepishly. 'Yeah, yeah. Promise you won't tease me though.'

'Why would I tease you? That makes no sense!' I say loudly, oblivious to the people around me on the street. 'Oh my god, I have to put you in a video now. When?'

Amelia blinks, confused. 'You will? I thought –'

'You thought what? That I would refuse? You idiot!' I laugh.

'I mean, yeah, but also that you wouldn't let me because, you know, it's yours and Kara's survival world, so I thought you wouldn't let me…'

This is so funny to me that I start wheezing, slapping Amelia's shoulder with my palm. 'Oh my god, you're such an idiot. Seriously?'

'Ok, ok, that's enough.' Amelia says.

I cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from wheezing, then take a deep breath. 'Uh-huh. Next video, I guarantee you'll be there.'

'Thanks.' Amelia puts her arm back around me. 'I bet your fans will love me so much they'll beg you to let me be in the next video as well.

I roll my eyes. 'Yeah, sure. Now, you sure you know the directions to this place? It doesn't look like you do.'

'Oh.' Amelia squints down the street. 'Yeah, I know it. Don't worry.'

'Cool.' I adjust my beanie a little. 'Like, is it actually as good as people say it is or…?'

'How would I know? I haven't been there myself.' Amelia says. 'I saw a bunch of pictures online, though. It looked pretty cool.'

'It better be. I've been wanting some canvases and oils for months.' I groan in anticipation. 'Oh boy, I can't wait.'

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