
Chapter 6

I know how horrible she must feel. Why am I so stupid to not see that? She punished me cause she is scared of a repetition but it still hurts.

"I'm sorry." I say and it sounds hoarse from the lump in my throat.

"Don't ever hide such thing from me, okay?"

I nod. "Yes Mum." She pulls me in a light hug and I feel like a child again.

The pain and my bruises are healed by that one gesture and I feel more in peace.

"Can I have that?" I ask as I chew on my burger.

"How was your school week, let's talk about that." Dad says. Since he got back from his trip yesterday, he insist to have a day with us. But then Mum has to do something in the hospital so here we are having breakfast in a restaurant.

"We did the biggest number with the girls. Though we ain't getting it super well but we're on our way." Deborah said.

"What about you David?" Dad ask. I look up from my plate and glance at Dad before going back to it. I shrug.

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