
Second Chance at First Line

Scarlett was in her room pacing, her cell phone clenched tightly in her hand. Scott has been missing for what felt like hours and she was starting to worry for her twin. A loud ding made her jump. She quickly looked down and saw a text from Stiles.

From Stiles: Found Scott. He's ok

To Stiles: Thanks

After getting the text from Stiles, Scarlett made her way downstairs to wait for him to drop off Scott. About 5 minutes later the front door swung open and she quickly stood up from the couch. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Scott slowly shut the door, took a deep breath then turned to look at his sister, "There are hunters."


"Yes, hunters. They have weapons and they come after werewolves. They tried to kill me!"

"Well, how did you escape? Did they hurt you?"

"Yeah, but I'm fine now. I guess that's one bonus to being supernatural, I heal fast. And Derek helped me."

"Derek Hale?"

"Yeah." Scott took another deep breath then started going up the stairs, "I'm going to bed. I need to think of an apology for Allison."

Scarlett started following him up the stairs to their rooms, "I'm sure she'll forgive you, just don't do it again. Goodnight." Scarlett gave him a small smile then shut her door as he continued down the hall to his room.


Monday after school, Scarlett was talking with Scott in his room. He was catching her up on what happened during practice and how he realized Allison's father is one of the hunters from the other night. Sitting in the room, Scarlett noticed how drained, both physically and emotionally, Scott looked. Before she could think twice, Scarlett leaned over and pulled her twin into a tight hug. Scott sighs and tightly hugs Scarlett back. She opens her mouth to offer more comfort but before she gets the chance, their mom speaks up, causing the twins to pull away. "Late shift again for me, but I'm taking a night off to see your first game."

Scott quickly replies, "Mom, you can't."

"I can and I will. One shift won't break us. And what's wrong with your eyes? You both look exhausted."

"I always look sleep deprived... Is that hot?" Scarlett looks between her brother and mom when she asks.

Both of them reply with an eye roll then Scott continues, "It's nothing. Just kind of stressed."

Mom chose to ignore Scarlett and answer Scott, "Nothing else? You're not on drugs or anything?"

"Right now?"

Mom's eyes widen and Scarlett glances at Scott, "What do you mean right now?" Mom quickly asks, looking back and forth between her children, "Have you ever taken drugs?"

"Have you?" Scarlett challenges in a monotone voice before her brother could get another word out.

Their mother gapes at the two of them and instead of answering the question says, "Get some sleep, both of you." She walks out of the room and not even a minute later a web chat invitation from Stiles popped up on Scott's computer.

They both walk over, Scott sitting in his computer chair and Scarlett standing behind him, leaning against the back. "What'd you find out?" Scott questions his best friend.

"It's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder."

"Because of Scott?" Scarlett asks.

"Because he's a tool. It's not your fault Scott."

"Is he going to be able to play?" Scott questions, guilt seeping through.

"They don't know yet. But for now, they're all counting on you for Saturday." Stiles pauses and starts coming closer to the video camera. He's trying to tell the twins something but the screen keeps freezing. Finally, Stiles types It looks like someone's behind you.

Scott and Scarlett both freeze in fear. Slowly, Scott clicks on their image to enlarge the picture and check behind them. They can just make out the silhouette of a man. The two teenagers quickly turn around. Scarlett moves out of the way of Scott so he didn't hit her with the chair. As soon as they were both fully turned around, Derek Hale grabs a hold of Scott and slams him against the wall.

Scarlett freezes in place, looking around the room to try and figure out how to make sure he doesn't kill her brother right in front of her. "I saw you on the field." Derek is completely ignoring Scarlett, his attention focused on Scott. "You shifted in front of them. If they find out what you are, they find out about me. About all of us. Then it's not just hunters after us. It's everyone."

"Maybe we can have a calmer discussion..." Scarlett tries to talk but both men ignore her.

"But they didn't see. No one did..." Scott tries to reason with Derek.

"And they won't. Because if you try to play that game Saturday, I'll kill you myself." Derek pulls Scott from the wall and throws him across the room quickly leaving just as fast as he came. 


Scarlett was sitting in Algebra, staring straight ahead with her head in her hand, waiting for Lydia and Scott to finish the practice problems on the board. She could tell the two were talking to each other but was too far away to make out the words. Lydia and Scott both looked annoyed with one another, or maybe they are annoyed with the topic of conversation. When Lydia finishes her problem she saunters back to her seat on Scarlett's left.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Just the game coming up. I told him he has to play since Jackson isn't at peak performance."

Scarlett nods then turns her attention back to the front of the room.

After class, Lydia and Scarlett went their separate ways. As soon as Scarlett turns the corner, someone pulls her into an empty classroom. "What the hell?" She gasps out, throwing her hand against her heart as she looks up at the person who grabbed her.

"Hey, babe. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Nate pulls her against his chest wrapping his arms around her waist then pulling her in for a kiss.

Scarlett pulls away, "Stop being dramatic. We see each other every day. And we will be going out after the game on Saturday." She loops her arms around his neck as she talks.

"Yeah, but we will still be with other people. I want a night for just the two of us." He leans back down and starts kissing her neck.

"Mmm... Well we will have a date night soon then, but until then," Scarlett pulls his face away from her neck and gives him a quick peck on the lips, "I need to get to class, and you do too."


Scarlett is sitting in Scott's room once again, this time waiting for Stiles as Scott fixes his lacrosse stick. He refused to tell Scarlett anything until his best friend was with them. Within a few minutes, Stiles burst through Scott's door, "What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yeah, I've had a lot of Adderall."

Scarlett's mouth falls open as Stiles talks, wondering how he said all of that so fast and in one breath. "At Derek Hale's," Scott replies as he finishes working on his stick.

"Well, what was it?"

Scott turned to face Scarlett as she asks the question, "Something's buried there." He then turns to Stiles, "I smelled blood."

"That's awesome," Stiles said at the same time Scarlett opens her mouth to say, "That's terrible." The two glance at each other and Stiles continues, "Whose blood?"

"That's what I need your help to find out. And when we do, we're going to help your dad nail Derek for the murder. And then you are going to help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing."

"Damn, why does it always have to be the hot guys that are murderers?" The two boys look at Scarlett with the classic really that's what you're thinking faces. "Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. "


cott, Stiles, and Scarlett all made their way to the hospital so that Scott could smell the half of the body that was found. As they pass the morgue, Scott slips through the doors as Stiles and Scarlett stand guard. Stiles notices something in the nearby waiting room and quickly walks off. Scarlett looks to see what caught his attention, only to see her best friend sitting in the waiting room. She rolls her eyes, checks down the hall and when she sees the coast is clear, follows Stiles into the waiting room.

Stiles is talking to Lydia and Scarlett can tell she is not paying attention to anything Stiles is saying. "I gotta go." Lydia quickly says, reaching up to shut off a Bluetooth headset that was hidden behind her hair. Noticing that Lydia wasn't paying any attention to him, Stiles walks away and sits in a chair just around the corner. With Stiles out of the way, Lydia quickly stands up and gives Scarlett a big smile and hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting my mom. I'm just waiting for Scott, he had to go to the bathroom. What about you?"

"Jackson is here getting his shoulder checked out."

Just as she finishes talking Scarlett sees Jackson round the corner rubbing his injured shoulder. "Hey Scar." He quickly greets as he turns to Lydia who immediately starts asking him about the doctor visit. Scarlett turns to Stiles who is bitterly looking at Jackson and Lydia which makes her roll her eyes. She turns back around as Lydia addresses her one last time, "We will see you later."

Before Scarlett can reply she takes Jackson's hand and walks out of the waiting room and down the hall. Scarlett turns back around to see Scott yank a pamphlet out of Stiles' hand, "The scent was the same."

"So he buried the other half of the body on his property." Scott nods along to Stiles' remark.

"We have confirmation that Derek murdered that girl."

"We are going to need a shovel."

"And this is where I gracefully bow out." The boys look at Scarlett but before either of them could speak she continues, "Listen even if I come with you there is no way that I am unburying half of a dead body."

"Then you can be there for emotional support." Stiles grins at her as she yet again rolls her eyes.


"I can't believe you actually convinced me to come with you guys." Scarlett groans as she steps out of Stiles' jeep. Both boys pull out shovels and smile at her.

Scott speaks up as soon as the three step away from the jeep, "Something's different."

"Different how?" Stiles questioned as Scarlett raises her left eyebrow.

Scott just shakes his head and sighs as he starts to make his way over towards the side of the house. "Let's get this over with."

Scarlett sits on the side watching as the two teen boys start digging. While they are digging, Scarlett decides to keep an eye out for any movement indicating Derek's return. "What do we do if Derek comes back?" She asks.

"We run. All in different directions. Whoever he catches first? Too bad." Stiles instantly replies.

Scott looks horrified at the thought of Derek catching any of them, "I hate that plan."

A few minutes later, Stiles and Scott stop digging. When Scarlett realizes that they found something, she stands up to look in the hole. There at the bottom of the hole is a black bag with a drawstring tied in knots. Stiles starts untying the knots and when the bag is fully opened, they all jump back in surprise. Staring back at the group is the upper half of a dead wolf. "What the hell is that?" Stiles asks in a panic.

"Uh, a wolf." Scarlett deadpans.

"Thanks, I can see that." He then turns to Scott, "I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood?"

"I told you something was different." Scott defends. 

As the two were talking, Scarlett starts to look around. She notices a small, pretty, purple flower that had recently been planted near the grave. It looks out of place so Scarlett walks over and gently pulls at the stem. Attached to the stem is a thin piece of twine, also buried in the dirt. "What are you doing?" Scott questions once her finally noticed that his twin wasn't paying attention to the conversation.

Scarlett doesn't answer, instead she keeps pulling at the twine. The twine is looped around the grave in a giant spiral, about 10 yards out, she reaches the end of the rope. With the pile of rope and the flower gathered in her arms, she turns back around to look at the boys.

They were standing in wonder looking down into the grave. When Scarlett makes her way back over to them and looks in the grave, staring up at her is the upper half of a girl.


It was finally Saturday, the boys drove to the Hale house to watch Derek get arrested, but Scarlett declined the offer to come with them. Instead, she spent the morning catching up on homework, making a sign to cheer on Nate and Scott, and picking out what she was going to wear for the game. Scott or Stiles could catch her up at a later time.

An hour before the game, Scarlett quickly gets dressed in black skinny jeans, a gray tank top, a black leather jacket, and black ankle boots. She grabs her phone and the sign she made then heads downstairs so her mom and her can get to the school and find a seat.

Scarlett and her mom sit down waiting for Lydia who always sits next to Scarlett at games. When Lydia joins the two, Allison sits down on her other side with her father next to her. Soon after the group are all seated, the whistle sounds, starting the game. 

As the game starts, Jackson has the ball. He throws it to another player, then grabs the ball back, scoring the first point. Lydia, Allison, and Scarlett reach sown to grab the poster Lydia made that says We luv u Jackson!

As the game continues, the three girls switch back and forth between holding up the poster for Jackson and the poster for Nate. The players seem to be making sure that Scott never gets the ball.

As the next quarter begins Mr. Argent leans over and asks, "Which one is Scott again?"

"Number 11. Otherwise known as the one who hasn't caught a single pass the entire game." Lydia answers for Allison as Scarlett elbows her and quickly glares before focusing back on the game.

"I hope he's okay," Allison says quietly.

"I hope we're okay. We need to win." Lydia then pulls up the poster again but this time flips it over. She looks between Allison and Scarlett, "A little help girls?" The sign now reads Jackson is #1!

When the whistle blows to start the game back up, the ball flies into the air, Scott jumps up, catching it with deadly accuracy. Scarlett immediately picks up the sign she made for Scott, encouraging her mom to stand up with her to hold the other end. 

The team is one score behind and the game is almost over. As the whistle blows, the other team has the ball. Scott goes to do a slap check but instead, the opposing player tosses the ball right to Scott. Scott makes his way to the goal and scores!

Twenty seconds left in the game, the whistle blows and Scott gets the ball again. He is surrounded by opposing players as he closes in on the goal, it looks like he doesn't know what to do for a brief moment and then he scores.

The game ends and the team wins! All thanks to Scott kicking ass in the final quarter. Scarlett, her mom, the girls, and Mr. Argent all make their way out to the field to congratulate the players. Scarlett spots Nate first and gives him a hug and kiss, "You did amazing, as usual!"

"Thanks, babe. Couldn't have done it without you cheering me on." He then over exaggerated a wink. 

Scarlett shakes her head and laughs giving him one last kiss, "I need to find Scott, I'll see you later."

Scarlett moves away from the crowd to try and find Scott, only to be pulled away by Stiles. "Come on, I think he went to the locker room. I gotta tell you both something."

When the two make it to the locker room, they see Allison and Scott kissing. They stop moving and awkwardly hang back, waiting for the two the separate. When they finally do, Allison says goodbye to Scott and walks past Stiles and Scarlett, saying a quick hi and then continuing back to the field. 

"I kissed her," Scott said in a dream-like state.

"We saw," Stiles confirms as Scarlett nods.

"She kissed me."

"We saw that too."

"Sorry to break you out of this drunk in love thing you got going on but Stiles, you said you needed to tell us something?" Scarlett questions, turning to the boy standing next to her. This gets Scott's attention and he makes his way closer to the two.

Stiles nods then starts talking, "The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found." He took a breath then continued, "I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines the killer of the girl to be an animal not human. Derek is human, not an animal. Derek, not killer. Derek let out of jail. And here's the bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."

"Hale?" Scott and Scarlett question.

"Derek's sister," Stiles confirmed.

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