
Something Worth Protecting

Akira welcomed the fresh air and sunshine with a deep sigh of relief, stretching his arms above his head.

"Geeeeez!" he loudly blurted, stretching his arms out. Then scratching his head, at first examining his new surroundings with an impatient squint while his eyes were taking a while to adjust to the light.

"This is it: the start of a new adventure!" He then yawned, before tiredly continuing, "oh boooy! Here we go," sounding far more interested in finding himself the nearest bed than with exploring: in what was doubtless just going to be another dumb video game world where dumb perverted stuff happens anyway. 

"Boy, I sure can't wait to see what wild and wacky experiences are in store for me"—his grumbling, sarcastic protests were cut off abruptly as, finally, he received his first proper look at Seaspan…

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