
4th Elder

Armori wiped the sweat from his temple, looked around. The bodies scattered about, guts and faeces wafted the surrounding with stench. Blood pooled all over, painting an ugly painting. The wounded whined and dead laid without twitching. Weapons and limbs littered giving a gloomy and sorrowful appearance to the hill. 

Though they had won the battle, no one had a smile on their faces. After all, war always brings blood and chaos with it—in which both sides suffer. Although they lost far less compared to their enemies. Nonetheless they still lost many of their brethren. When Del disappeared most of the people didn't even realise and continued to fight, slaughtering each other. 

When Armori and Alexander joined, it became a one sided slaughter, but they had only four hands after all. They could not kill thousands of the people in the blink, and that time was enough to slaughter hundreds of people, and they lost over 500 people in that time.

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