
Motive of Central Region

Shining rays spread in the cold weather, bringing a warm sensation with it. Birds chirped in a jubilant manner to express their happiness and flew in all directions in the hopes of gathering a little more food for themselves. People started to walk out of their homes while little shops had also opened in the hopes of earning for their family and themselves.

However, an alley was still completely silent, not even a single person could be seen there. 

At this time a man walked from there; wearing low-class clothes while a saw on his back. Anyone could tell that he was a logger. 

Passing from in front of the mansion, his nose twitched. Frowning deeply when he smelled some kind of weird stench.

"What… is this stench?" murmured the man. He looked around but didn't find. In front of him was a huge mansion and he could tell that the smell was coming from that direction.

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