
The Plague Will End Soon

Since the coronation of King Ophire, this would be the first year that he had not met with the Fief Lords of his Kingdom on his birthday.

Sadly, unlike every year in the past, no festival was held and no fireworks were seen on the King's birthday.

No one arrived at the Palace bearing presents, to meet their Ruler, and discuss the state of their fiefs.

However, he did not care about this as long as his citizens were safe and happy.

Eventually, Lake Poliza had also frozen over which indicated that winters had arrived in Amarthea as well.

Days passed by in a blur and with it was the progress of the mission to eradicate the plague from their Kingdom.

The cure was made available to more people in the infected fiefs and the number of patients healed began increasing drastically.

Along with the cure to heal those who are infected, the new medicine was distributed among those who came in constant contact with the infected population.

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