
Chapter 388: Useless

With the threat gone, Mina scooped Jay into a hug, while other people tried to calm down the terrified Mary. The woman continuously thanked Mina, knowing what awaited her if she had been successfully taken. She could not imagine what sort of unimaginable torture she would have had to endure in order to make up millions in losses.

What was worse to Mary was that her fiancé had not even tried to lift a finger when Mr. Sylvan's men arrived at their doorstep. He had even stepped to the side and allowed the men free passage, and yet the woman they had spread so many false claims about, helped save her from a disgusting criminal.

"Whatever you want, I will do it," Mary said to Mina's back. She had no idea that Mina was too shaken to even hear her. All she could do was hold onto Jay while she tried to steady her breathing.

"Do you see what you have done? I do not know all the details of what happened between you and Olivia, but it could have waited. All three of us could have been lost today," Jay shouted in response. She could not speak for Mina, because she did not know, but she was unlike Mary, who had at least gotten to choose the first man she laid down with; Jay had not been with anyone at all.

"Someone call Olivia. Make sure she is okay," Mina pleaded in a shaky voice and Matthew complied. Olivia was safely at home, recovering from a sprained ankle under her aunt's care. Matthew warned her to stay inside and she did not argue, because she could hear crying in the background.


Cylus knew that his cousin had stepped on the wrong set of toes with her actions the night before. Even though Olivia was the victim, and had even been injured, he knew that the man who owned the venue would not let it go without compensation.

It had taken Cylus nearly twelve hours, but he was finally able to get Mr. Sylvan's contact information. In his quiet office, he called the man, unaware that everything he feared could happen had already come to pass and been handled.

"Mr. Sylvan this is CEO Rue of Rouge Entertainment. I am calling regarding the incident that occurred at your venue last night." Cylus did not waste time in a peace offering. He proposed full use of his studio for three months without cost. Antonio, who was already pressed for money, agreed without pause. He saw no reason to tell CEO Rue that he had already been threatened and was no longer planning to retaliate.

Antonio found himself smiling, out of respect for a fellow businessman, he had not planned to go after Olivia Kent, but due to the woman's connection to Mina Harlow, he had stumbled upon an opportunity to save himself money.

"CO Rue, you no worry. I accept offer," Cylus found himself sighing in relief. He respectfully ended the call and reached out to Mina, who answered her phone on the first ring.

"Is Olivia okay? Did that man come to get her?" She asked. Cylus could hear the emotion in her voice.

"You don't have to worry about him anymore. I took care of everything." Mina allowed the tears to fall from her eyes.

"I knew it was you," she whispered, and the sound of her being emotional broke Cylus' heart.

"Where are you? Do you think you can leave? Do you have a safe place to go?" Mina nodded despite herself. Cylus could not see her but her voice was suddenly lost.

With Mina no longer speaking, Cylus sent Jay a text and the woman reported that filming had been cancelled for the day. She informed Cylus that Mina was being taken home by her security detail, and Cylus felt himself relax. He did not know why, but he felt like he had failed to protect Mina in time.


Ian tossed anything in his office that was not nailed down. Because of Lisa, Mina had been put in a situation that could have been disastrous if James had not sensed the danger in time.

"Ian relax, Mina is fine, but I warned you ahead of time that what you were doing was stupid, and now you've given Lisa exactly what she needed to hurt Mina; a scapegoat."

"I don't think Lisa would have done something like that. She dislikes Mina, but she knows I would not forgive her for something so disgusting."

"Don't be an idiot, who else would be so bold?" Ian was silent because there was no one.

"Maybe the person who sent Mina into my life in the first place," he finally offered. Zane stood up and walked away from his friend, slamming the office door behind him.


James did not want to berate Mina, but she had to know that what she did was wrong. When he asked why she had thrown herself over him, the woman further injured his pride by bringing up Dom; it was then that James snapped.

"Mina do you know I can do everything that Dom can do? He is stronger than I am, but I am just as skilled as he is." Mina was silent as she looked at James. She had only seen him lose against Dom, but she had never seen him in a truly hostile situation.

"I was trying to help."

"That is not your job. It is my job to protect you. I would have broken all of their fingers before they even touched their guns." Mina thought about her actions and she could see how she had hindered James.

"I'm sorry. My mind was on-"

"Someone else, I know. But Mina, if you do not start thinking about yourself, you are going to get us both killed. Look at my beautiful face," James joked, making Mina smile before she burst into tears again. "Sh!t Mina, I was joking, don't cry."

"I know," Mina said, revealing a smile through her tears. "I just feel so…" Mina allowed her words to trail off because she did not know how she felt, but useless definitely fit her mental state.

"Let's get you home to rest," James offered. He still had to figure out a way to explain the situation to his employer, who had yet to reply to his text.


Jay had come to the set early looking for Matthew because she feared that her father was going to make a scene, but she had no idea she was walking right into a dangerous situation.

Before Mina had arrived, Jay had the opportunity to leave Matthew and hide, but she did not. She bravely stood by his side, even when guns were drawn on him. He thought that Jay would be willing to give him another chance, but when he tried to hug her, she pulled herself away as if his touch were toxic.

Matthew wondered if it were some sort of karma; what was happening to him now. He had used so many women, including Jay. Now that he wanted her, she did not want him, and it was because of his own actions.

"I'm sorry," Matthew said to Jay, but he was not referring to the incident that just occurred.

"Director Porter, that situation was out of your control. You do not have to apologize. Now, if you are going to give me a ride home let's go. You still have to explain those photos to my father." Matthew wanted to smile, but he could not. He was well aware that Jay had shifted the topic; she was done with him.

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