
Chapter 305: Taken-2

Mina had laid her body over Lisa, who was huddled in a ball while crying. Lisa had not actually said she was pregnant, but the possibility tugged at Mina's heart strings. The men had identified their target as President Lee's girlfriend, but they did not know who that woman was. Mina figured that if she could protect Lisa, she could keep the woman from saying the wrong thing.

Still waiting for a response, the violent abductor started to viciously punch Mina's thigh, demanding an answer, but the van stopped and a few seconds later the doors opened.

"What the hell did you do?" Said one of the men. He had been riding in the front of the van, which was closed off from the back. "We were given specific orders not to hurt her."

"But we don't know which one is which, and my money is on the one who didn't fight back."

"Why?" He was asked.

"Because rich princesses don't know how to do anything except spend money. This one…" the man said while pointing to Mina, "is too hard to be a princess."

Mina felt another man grab her and pull her toward the open door. The fading sunlight, although not bright, hurt her eyes and she further struggled to keep them open.

"You really messed up this one's face," said another man. "You better pray you are right."

The men carried Mina into a building, while Lisa walked, still crying from the slap she received, and maybe fear. Mina no longer had the energy to struggle, so she just allowed herself to be carried.

Once inside some sort of building, both women were tied to chairs.

"Last time I'm going to ask. Which one of you is President Lee's girl?" When neither woman responded the man slapped Lisa, and then Mina, who finally made a noise of pain.

"I think you should stop hitting that one, she is barely holding on," said one of the men regarding Mina, but he was ignored.

"Okay, let me change the question, because maybe you don't understand what I am asking. Which one of you lives with President Lee." Lisa sat up straight. She saw a light of hope in that question; she was not the target after all.

"It's her, Mina lives with him," Lisa said.

"Lisa shut up. You do not know what they want. Stop talk-" Mina was cut off by yet another slap and she moaned in pain.

"You are a smart b*tch," the violent man said mockingly. He pulled Mina's hair and forced her to look at him. "I guess it makes sense. You're the prettier one, even with your face all swollen." The man's words made Mina panic.

"You got who you want, right? Now let me go. My family can pay you," Lisa offered.

"Shut up," another man snarled. He moved to untie Lisa before ordering her to stand.

"Where are you taking me?" Lisa asked but the man did not answer. He pulled her toward the door and Mina panicked further. She struggled so hard against her bindings that they loosened.

"You're making a mistake, if you hurt her, President Lee will kill you." Lisa heard Mina's words and realized that she may have said too much. Mina might have been the target, but she was just the extra piece that could be thrown away.

"What are you saying? Aren't you his girlfriend?" The man asked and this time he got a straight answer.

"No, I am not." Confused, the men ordered Lisa to sit and re-tied her to the chair. Lisa did not know if Mina had saved her or sold her out, but she felt safer together.

As soon as the men left, they shut the door and locked it with a resounding click. Lisa could hear Mina's breath hitch in response. She watched Mina hyperventilate, while screaming that she could not breathe.

Mina, who Lisa believed could never look ugly, did not look beautiful at all. Her amber orbs were bulging out of the sockets and her lids were open so wide that it looked like it hurt. Mina finally looked scared.

"Open the door!" Mina shouted repeatedly. She eventually passed out from exhaustion or from something else.

Lisa just stared at the unconscious woman. It was true, Mina was sick, and it had something to do with locked doors.


Dom watched horrified as Mina and Miss Lisa were accosted by several men. He knew Mina could have gotten away, or at least gotten close enough to him to be safe, but she doubled back to try and pull the dazed Lisa along with her.

The five second delay gave the men all the time they needed to catch Mina and although she put up enough of a fight for Dom to catch up, he too had been delayed by Miss Luna.

Dom pulled his weapon, but every time he tried to shoot one of the men, or even a tire, someone would get in his way. He was only just close enough to get a clear glimpse of Mina's face as she was pushed into the utility van.

Mina looked so terrified that the expression was enough to haunt Dom for the rest of his life. As badly as he never wanted to see that look on her face again, another part of him hoped he would. He did not want to lose her.

The van sped off and Dom dialed President Lee, who did not even respond. All Dom could hear was shuffling that he recognized as the sound of someone running down a flight of stairs.

Dom ended the call and called a man who worked under him. The van Mina was in, likely had false plates, but it did not mean that it could not be tracked. He was still fruitlessly chasing after the van, trying to get a gauge of its general direction when he felt pain seer through his body.

Dom felt his leg bend unnaturally, then his whole body flew into the air after he rolled over the windshield of a speeding car. Just before he hit the ground, Dom lost consciousness.


Kace listened to the men he hired explain that neither woman admitted to being President Lee's girlfriend. The men also said that Lisa was the one who did all the talking, while the other woman remained mostly quiet. They let their employer know that the only time Mina offered any information was to help Lisa.

Kace was confused by the revelation. He was almost certain that Mina would have used her connection to the Lee's as protection, or at least admitted to being the man's lover. Not knowing how to proceed, and not wanting to take the chance of getting caught, Kace ordered the men to move his sister into a separate room. He also reminded the men that both women were to remain untouched.

Kace had not known about the beating Mina received, nor was he aware of the slaps Lisa was given. He had paid the men well as to not have to worry about the women coming out the same way they went in. Kace now fully believed that Mina did not have a relationship with President Lee.

If Mina were dating President Lee, or even sleeping with him, she would have used that connection to get out of trouble from the beginning. She could have ransomed herself through the man she was involved with, but from what Kace was told, Mina had not dropped any names at all.

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