
Chapter 119: Let's Do Something

When Luna came home that night, she looked depressed, but Mina, who had been wandering around the mansion, seemed to be in a much better mood. Her cheery disposition made Luna curious.

"What's gotten into you?" Luna asked, and Mina told her everything that she and President Lee agreed upon. She was especially excited about being able to come and go, even though she still needed to ask for permission. Her excitement made Luna suspicious.

"Mina, between you and my brother. Is there really nothing?" Mina narrowed her eyes accusingly, but she did not detect any ill intent behind the question, so she answered honestly.

"Luna, it is not my choice to be here. Nor do I have any feeling toward your brother. Like him I just wish all of this would go away."

"Then why did you hug him?" Luna asked, and Mina literally shook her head from side to side in disbelief.

"I did not!" she said, as she stomped her foot and the action made Luna smile. It was so cartoonish, but she knew Mina had meant to look serious.

"Why does Lisa say she caught you two hugging?" Without words, Mina walked up to Luna and positioned them the same way she and President Lee were standing when his girlfriend saw them.

"Is this considered a hug?" she asked.

Luna felt relieved. Lisa had misread the situation, but she could see how the misunderstanding could happen. If it had been her walking in on Dr. Bell holding another woman in that manner, she too would feel a bit jealous. Lisa had already admitted that she was insecure, and she was sure that Mina's beauty played a huge role in the way she interpreted the situation.

"Okay I believe you, just stay away from Ian. If you need something you can always ask me," Luna said.

"Actually, I have a few things I want to talk to you about. Things I don't want to talk to your nan about." Luna nodded and the two women made their way up the stairs and into the sitting area of Mina's room.

Mina sat on one of the armchairs and Luna took a seat on the couch. She asked Luna about the psychiatric evaluation her brother had her take, but the woman was unaware of the details, she did not even know that her brother had taken Mina to see a doctor.

"Why are you curious about it?" Luna asked.

"Lately, I have been having vivid dreams. Things I rather not talk about. Sometimes the dreams are good, but other times they are bad. I wake up and I feel like I am suffocating," She said. Luna had witnessed Mina having a panic attack earlier in the day and she knew the girl was probably suffering from some form of anxiety.

"That is not really my area of expertise, but Mina if you're interested in getting real help for whatever issues you may be having; I can find someone to help you."

"There's no need. I just wanted to know if there was something I could take to stop dreaming. That is all," Mina replied.

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" Luna asked in a low and caring tone, but Mina said that she did not want to waste her time.

Not really knowing how to reply, Luna felt awkward. She knew that Mina's sense of worth had become tied to her usefulness to Ian, but she did not think it would bother her to hear Mina nonchalantly refer to her mental state as a waste of time. She wanted the girl's last moments, regardless of how long, to be blissful. It was the least she deserved. Luna decided that she would spend time doing things with Mina that she knew the girl had never experienced before.

"Mina, let's do something tonight."

"Like what?"

"A few of my friends from school invited me out. You should come. You may be able to make a few friends." Mina agreed to go. Not that she was out to make friends but meeting a few people would not be a bad thing.


Mina was standing inside her closet not sure what she should put on. Luna had told her that it would be a casual event, but she had a feeling that casual for rich people meant something completely different for regular people like herself. The weather had been unusually cold for fall, but her closet was filled with various types of dresses. There was one that looked to be the warmest, so she took it down and tried it on. The brown velvet dress had long sleeves and cinched at the waist before flaring into a skirt. There was a cute bow at the collar and under it was a small space that exposed a tiny section of the skin of her neck. It fell above her knee and she felt exposed, so she searched the closet and found a pair of thigh high black boots. Looking at herself in the mirror, Mina felt like she had done a good job.

Mina sat at the vanity and did her best to mimic what the stylist had done to her in the past and she had to complement herself. Unsure of what to do with her hair, she stared in the mirror for a long time. She heard someone enter the room and she stepped out to see who it was. Luna was wearing a black fitted dress and a red overcoat that was too thin to be anything other than fashionable. Both women looked each other up and down with a 'wow' expression on their face.

"I don't know what to do with my hair," Mina admitted, but Luna could not tell at all. It looked as if Mina's hair had been lazily styled and it gave her modest dress an alluring charm. She looked at Mina's legs, which looked longer in the thigh high heels, and realized how sexy the small area of skin that showed between her boots and the end of the dress was. The normally confident Luna now felt a little self-conscious. Once again, she could see why Lisa was jealous.

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