
The end of a family

It has been a month after the new year, the first mistress sat seemingly leasurely half lying on the sofa bed her gaze overlooking the small pond covered in golden water lilies, many found this scene breathtaking. Perhaps of how it was stark against the pale green of the water but to her right at this moment anger consumed her like a tsunami crashing to shore destroying everything in its path.

Her gaze took in the surface, every now and again the water would ripple and a scaled body would surface parcially to retreat back below.

She smiled slightly when the guard appeared as if from thin air and kneeled before her and spoke, preparing a small body of water to kill him if the news was disappointing.

"First mistress Pingui this slave greets. Master the task has been completed," 

To many the first mistress Was the most Virtuous woman, loving to both the sons she birthed, and those that she didn't.

Virtuous... What woman could truly admit they were?

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