

"Impossible!" The entity screamed, not believing what it was seeing. "How can the Chasm's power continue to attack the City's Barrier without anyone controlling it? Fuhiro, check it again! There must be another Shadow Feral somewhere controlling the Chasm's power."

Fuhiro quickly nodded, even though he had a pale expression. His Bloodline was a lot weaker compared to the Shadow Ferals, so using his Bloodline to disrupt pure Shadow Ferals, even if for a fraction of a second, put a great burden on him. 

Fuhiro's Bloodline power entered the earth again, finding the Crystals in a moment. It entered the Crystals with the intention of disrupting the Shadwo Ferals again. Yet, to his shock, there was absolutely no Shadow Feral Bloodline connection there. The Spatial Manipulation Crystals were just like they should be, completely clean. "This... There is no one controlling the Crystals."

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