
Long lasting happiness


Rex comes back into the room after about an hour. I came out of the bathroom and the first thing I did was look for him. I took a while in the shower, so I didn't even know where to start looking for him. I check by the car we packed and he wasn't there, I check all around the motel, searching for him but to no avail. I was almost about to call Blue before he walked into the room as if nothing happened. There is a nonchalant expression on his face like he didn't disappear for over an hour.

"Where the fuck were you,'' I walk over to him and grab him by his arm. I didn't even realize that my heart was thumping so heavily. I don't know why I was thinking the worst with my worries. I am just associated with bad news and I just thought something terrible had happened to him.

"What do you mean? I went to get my bag,'' for the first time since he walked into the room, I notice the bag on his other hand.

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