
[Chapter 233] You’re A Teacher Now

I gaze at the book in my lap before decidedly opening it, browsing through it as demons of all types pass by my eyes. After a few moments, I stand up and store the bloodstained book in my new ring.

I stand up and gaze at the demon's corpse before walking over and searching his body. I remove the broken golden armor from across his body. Luckily, it came in two pieces so I threw away the destroyed upper half and cast inspect on it. Ping!


Bottoms of the Arch-Demon Pride: This pieces of armor is enchanted to transform into bottom armor on command. When both pieces are worn, they create a shield that can defend the wearer where ever they cannot see.


As I read the description, disappointment comes across my face as I look at the broken armor on the ground, 'So you have to wear the now broken piece and this in order to activate that shield…disappointing. If I could repair the armor, it would be fine, but I….wait a minute. What the hell am I thinking?'

I walk over and grab the armor, an excited smile appearing on my face, 'This just requires me to find a metal that can transform and bond with this gear! Once I figure out the metal, then I can start testing with the transformation effect! I mean, worst comes to worst, it never stated that both pieces had to be in their armor form to work! This means that I could wear my regular armor over the suit.' I conclude as I store the two pieces of armor.

But I quickly glance back at the demon as I get curious, 'Do demons have beast cores or mana cores? Is it wrong if I dissect him to find out…..probably, let's go try it on the more animal like demons.'

I suddenly hear a voice in my head as I feel Sky pop up from my neck, "Yes! Let's! I may live in a person and could probably name every organ and muscle in their body, but imagining a person being dissected makes me feel weak…so please don't dissect him. For me at least?"

I smile as I pay the little creature on my neck, "Alright, that's fine although I can't understand why as you live inside a person anyway."

I calmly begin to walk towards the battlefield when I suddenly realize, I have an army of shadows following behind me. I quickly dismiss all the rodents and smaller creatures, leaving me with the larger creatures. I had gained a bunch of useless skills from them as well but had noticed a few such as venom paralysis which gives me venom that can paralyze creatures 3 times my size and about the same strength. Granted, I have to have the physiology for most of my skills, this one having come from a reptile.

I swipe it away as I activate Shadow Morph, changing my shape back to normal. Bones crack as skin shrinks, my face gaining its humanoid features yet again as I store my shadows back in mine. After my transformation is complete, I deactivate Shadow Armor as I remove my mask, temporarily storing it as I finally arrive at the battlefield. I take a deep breath as the smell of iron reeks havoc on my nostrils, causing me to cough.

I walk towards the corpse of one of the demons, a dog type demon with pink, leathery skin and claws between the toes of its other claws. Using Absolute Shadow, I haul the corpse to eye level with tentacles of darkness, making gutting it much easier. I use Shadow Weapon to quickly create a dagger, using one swift motion, I cut open the demon dog's stomach as its guts spill onto the earth. But that's all, nothing else.

I sigh in disappointment as I flick my fingers, causing the tentacles to throw the demon at the shadow wall. The corpse's bones crack with a sickening sound as I walk towards the forest, heading towards the enemy commander's location.

After walking for a little while, I find the commander, still stuck as he sits there silently. But fear fills his eyes as I return, confusing me. His mouth opens to scream but only a squeaking escapes as he struggles to run. I look down at my body, realizing his reaction almost immediately. From all my injuries, my suit has become drenched in my own blood, which has dried across my body.

After a thought, it came to me that this could cause someone to try and run in terror. But now is not the time to worry about that.

I lean down beside the struggling man, tears flooding his eyes as he presses himself closer to his mounts corpses, seemingly looking for comfort.

I hold my palm open as the shadows jump to life around me, forming a complexity of parts and objects.

A smile forms on my face as I say, "Hey! Slime Winter! Get out here!"

The tattoo on my hand glows as I feel a gooey blob bouncing around on my head, vibrating with joy. I let him as he purrs happily, "Hey slime winter, how you been? Sorry I couldn't take you out before, we were in an area that I wasn't sure have seen your kind before."

He mews happily as he slithers down my head, crawling onto my shoulder as he nudges me. I pat him with my free hand as I tell him, "Alright, calm down. I need you to assemble this."

I show him the parts in my hand and he immediately gets to work. Assembling parts and pieces to before spitting out a gum-ball shaped orb a few moments later.

I sigh as I look at the technology, disappointed again. "It's a bit crude, but will work. I sadly couldn't solder the boards myself."

Before the man can react, I forcefully shove the orb into his mouth. He goes to spit it out when I glare at him, "My hand is not moving till you swallow it. And don't chew it."

He stares at me in horror, unable to resist. He doesn't know what this does, but he doesn't want to find out. So we are stuck like that for a couple of minutes til I say, "Screw this." And reach into his mouth, forcefully shoving the ball down his throat. Suddenly, he breaks out into a violent coughing fit, feeling as if he was choking for a few moments.

Out of reflex, he shouts, "Trying to choke me?!"

But that's when he realizes, even with his vocal cords cut, he can speak. He stares up at me in awe as he asks, "What….how did you do that?"

I sit down across from him as I calmly say, "It doesn't matter. I have news for you, your kingdom is gonna be destroyed in a few moments and I have an offer. Teach for my kingdom, or death."

[I’ve been listening to The Song Of The Dragonborn, it’s awesome. I can’t stop….uh oh.] Thanks for reading!

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