
[Chapter 130] One Of A Kind

I hold the weapon as a smirk forms on my face. "This thing is one of a kind, be careful using it." I say as I turn around and hold it out to Liz. Liz and my follower both stare at me with awe as I hold the blade out to her, clearly still processing the situation.

I wait patiently as they catch up to real time and my follower comes to first. He looks at me with wide eyes before bowing his head, "I'm sorry my lord, I never knew the lord had such powers. You have truly stunned me today by gracing such a lowly mortal with such knowledge."

I nod, "I have a request, that you spread your new knowledge. That you spread it among the population, that they know of my abilities."

He gets on his knees and kowtows, his voice filled with a fire. "Understood my lord, I thank you for giving such a lowly being this task!"

I nod while I inwardly sigh, 'Being a god is definitely going to be hard work. Plus, this should deter people from attacking if they hear what I did, or they could take it for ramblings. Either way, no one will be an issue with my soldiers around.'

I look over as I see Liz finally move, coming back to reality. She looks up at me before looking down at the blade, gently taking it from my hands. She looks it over as if she is holding a diamond, cradling it in her hands. As she rotates it around, she notices the empty pommel, causing her to ask. "Why is this empty?" As she points at it.

The follower gets up and goes to what I assume is to reprimand her about disrespect when I hold up my hand, causing him to freeze before silently nodding. I look back at Liz as I begin to explain, "This blade actually can be used how it is or it can be powered. The strength and damage the blade has depends on the crystal you put in the pommel. The higher the crystal, the stronger it is."

Her jaw drops once again as she stares at the blade. That's when I say something else that blows her mind even more.

"I have also figured out how to make a link with you and the blade so only you can activate it, but I must be here in order to forge the bond."

She stares wide eyed at me, seemingly unable to comprehend what I just said. She looks down at the blade and back at me, her face showing disbelief.

I laugh at her reaction while I take a step towards her, my face becoming momentarily serious. "So would you like to forge a bond?"

She looks down at the blade in her hands as she traces its grooves with her fingers. "Nothing like this blade has existed before, it has such a gentle curve to it while having the ridges on the back most fang kingdom blades have, it's a new type of blade I haven't seen before. And not just that, the crystal exchange has been tested before and constantly failed no matter what. The issue was it was impossible to do it with weapons as it would destroy them when the crystal was removed. How did you accomplish to do something like this?" She asks seriously, showing she is definitely back to her old serious self.

I think for a moment when my follower suddenly answers, "He is our lord obviously! The one true god! He can create things that defy the world as he was the one that created it, look at all his relics and tell me they look like they follow the rules of our world!"

She goes to retort when she realizes his answer truly does make sense. She has never seen anything close that can relate to the things in this warehouse, giving her the feeling she is in another world. New smells she has never smelled before enter her nose as she begins to focus more before she sneezes, not used to them.

She looks back at me before looking me up and down, seemingly inspecting me. She looks at my 6 ft stature, my wide frame, my toned muscles, and my face; my sharp chin, purple eyes, and purple hair giving me a sense of mystery.

She blushes slightly as she looks at the ground to my side, "You do have the physique I guess."

I don't know how to react so I just cough awkwardly as I ask her, "So do you want to make the bond? I'm kinda getting tired of asking."

She finally nods silently, her face still red. I stand in front of her and hold out my hand. "May I see the blade?" She holds it back out to me as I grab it, I use Soul Manipulation and hold a white wisp in my hand. My follower gazes at the wisp with a curious look as Liz asks, "Isn't that a soul?"

My follower's eyes go wide as I nod, "It is. I found out how to do this through an accidental incident with my testing. Thanks to that, I am now connected to this thing." I say as I pull out a small knife. It is a triangular blade with a small loop on the bottom, the edges of the blade glowing white.

"This is what I call a soul link. It uses the blade as a medium for the 2 souls, causing a bond to form." I say with a small smile, remembering when I was fiddling with the blade.

She looks at it curiously, "Does this.....soul link do anything else?" She asks as she watches me spin the blade around my finger.

I laugh, "It allows you to have a vague sense of it's location, wherever it goes. But that's it from what I have found out."

'I tried it with a mech once but it doesn't work, I think it has too many parts.' I think as the small smile disappears.

Her eyes go wide as she asks, "Why haven't you told my father about this? Become a royal blacksmith for my family. You could make history as one of the greatest smiths in the world!"

I shake my head, "This much power is something I don't want to put into one person's hands, power corrupts people who haven't experienced what it's like to be weak. And almost all royals I have met seem to not know the word weak. They usually won't appreciate what they were given as they think they could just buy another with money."

My follower speaks up, "My lord! Your wisdom knows no bounds!" His eyes sparkle as his tone is full of fire.

"Anyway, I'm not talking about this anymore. Please hold out your hand again."

She holds out her hand, following my instructions. Before she can even react, I take the blade and cut her finger, causing a thin line of blood to trickle down from a small cut. She has a look of surprise as she looks at me, apparently not expecting me to attack. I close my eyes as the soul becomes rigid, it slowly begins to spin around the blade as the blood that was on its cold edge gently floats up. The white wisp suddenly dives off course as it collides with the blood, causing the wisp to glow red.

The red wisp then floats high up before swiftly ramming itself into the blade, at first freezing before slowly trying to enter the metal. A second later, it succeeds as it breaches the blade and enters it. I open my eyes as I look down at the shimmering blade.


[The soul is a wonder.] Thanks for reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts
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