
[Chapter 45] Where Does The Food Go?

"So how would you like to take the food?" I am broken mid swearing tangent, and realize I need to calm down, 'I need to get a better control of my temper with stuff like that, scams happen, live and learn.' I look back up at the gruff werewolf of a man.

"How can I take them?" He squints at me before pulling out a wood box and setting them in, then nailing the top, "This should keep them cold longe enough to get back to your house if you live nearby."

I nod and lift the box onto my shoulder, "Thank you, have a nice day." And I leave, the door slamming behind me. I begin to walk away but feel the box suddenly get heavier by what seems like over one hundred pounds, I immediately look up to see Blossom trying to get into the box, 'What the?!'

I try to gently set the box down just to see Blossom take her claws and finally get the lid open before taking out a raw chicken and starting to lick it, "What are you....." I hear the meat sizzle on the chicken as she licks it and after a few licks, it's cooked almost entirely on the part she cooked it. People are staring at the cat cautiously and run to the other side of the street.

'That tongue is dangerously hot, especially so to just immediately cook a chicken, but how come I wasn't affected? Did she turn down the heat or something?' As I think that, Blossom starts chowing down, eating all the chicken she cooks with her tongue, and all that's left is the skeletal remains of the chicken. I stand there shocked, 'Was she really that hungry?!'

I see her get up and begin to walk back over to the box to get another chicken. 'Oh no you don't!' I bolt over and put the lid back on before reaching out and touching the box, swapping it with my gear container's place in my ring. And I see nothing for a few seconds before I see the empty place that held the box get replaced by my weapons container. In which I immediately throw it on, I look around just to see everyone moving slower than they were before. 'One of the perks of being fast I guess.'

All of a sudden, I slow down and everything speeds back up again, 'Wait, Winter!' I look back to see him still snoozing away, but has a tendril of slime latched onto my nape. 'Guess he could sense my change in speed, but why would he attach himself to me?' I awake from my thoughts by Blossom clawing at my leg, and giving me puppy eyes. 'Not falling for it this time!' And I pick her up with both of my arms this time, catching her off guard and causing her to panic, making her dig her claws into me. And as we walk home, some people even laughing as they see a ten year old carry a pony sized cat through the park.

I finally get home and set the giant cat down and start walking towards the kitchen, I see mom finishing up breakfast, she sees me and looks at me and Blossom trailing behind.

"How was your trip?" I sigh, "It was....unique if I had to put it." She looks at me, "Unique how?" I then begin to explain the trip, changing a few facts here and there. And when I explain the chicken incident, she begins to stare at Blossom with fear in her eyes. I see this and immediately say, "But I think she can control the heat of her tongue! She licked my face this morning and her tongue was warmer than normal, but warm none the less." She slouches a bit from relief and as she does, I pull out the chicken from my ring and set my weapon container back in.

Blossom immediately smells the chicken and leaps on the crate, tearing it apart and pulling out a chicken before carrying it over in her mouth and lays down, her front arms holding the chicken and her hind arms seemingly ready to pounce. Her tail is flicking from happiness as she licks away, the chicken sizzling on her tongue.

I look back and fourth from the now occupied Blossom and the box's remains that still hold a chicken. 'That's horrifying, good thing she made a contract with me.' I immediately realize something and look back at my mom who's eyes are filled with horror. As she looks at the box, and her face gets even more horrified by what is happening currently. I quickly look over to see Blossom now seemingly unlocking her jaw and eating the chicken in one gulp.

'Gosh damn it! Wait.....why the hell did you do that here and not with the chicken on the street?' As she finishes that chicken, she walks over and grabs the other chicken, starting to lick this one as well.

After it's cooked, she immediately engulfs this one as well. My mom murmurs, "Where does it all go?" I just look at her and shrug. 'I would say it smells good, if I didn't know it was cooked by a cat's tongue.

I looked up videos about character development and stuff like that and hope I can improve from here on, oh and thanks for reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts
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