
It's For You To Find Out

[Johan's POV]

Sitting sidesaddle on the picnic blanket, Johan nibbled on a sandwich while the fire crackled in front of him. He didn't have his phone with so he didn't know the exact time, but it was already dark. He would guess it's already past dinner time.

Russell, clad in his trousers without a shirt on, put down firewoods beside the bonfire he created and made sure it stayed alight before taking a seat beside him. "Reminds you of boys' scout days, does it?"


  "Ah... But you rarely paid attention to me that time because you're busy with a certain someone."

Johan chuckled and playfully slapped Russell's face. "Just how long are you going to hold that against me? That's elementary days."

Russell didn't reply, prompting Johan to pinch his side.

"You're so petty."

"Look who's talking."

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