
Chapter 118: All My Fault



He fell from my shoulder, soft exhale of breath human, not crow, turning into the young man I'd met only twice now as he fell. My already aching knees registered agony when I landed beside him but that was of no consequence, not compared to the quiet of his heart, the stillness of him.


Henry was gone.

And it was all my fault.

I wept over him, heart aching, didn't even notice when they came for me. Registered on the periphery Damon's hands drawing me away, someone lifting Henry's body from the cold, cold stone, the tinkle of silver that told me Reena had come, the tingling rainbow light of Mathias's magic.

They took me to the sanctuary, I knew that much, though I crawled into darkness then, retreated into it, smothering myself in the depths of despair and promising myself I would never, ever, emerge. There was nothing to come out to the light for, because I was darkness.

Born to the black and meant for solitary agony.

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