
Chapter 177


Ray sat slumped at her kitchen table, the barest dregs of her second bottle of CabSav sloshing in the bottom of her wineglass. Drunk. She just needed to be drunk and gone away from her feelings for a while. To not feel anything except the deep buzz of the alcohol. But, even it didn't dull her enough, never did, really. She'd been able to outdrink everyone she knew, even in college, putting two football linebackers into the ER with alcohol poisoning while she walked away.

Fucking vampir goddamnitall. Had to be its fault. Hers? Theirs? She still didn't know how to feel about the other race inside her. Or, for all she knew, she was full whateverthefuck she was. Where had it come from, exactly? Why her?

Bollocks and fuckit. She just wanted to be drunk while waiting to go to dinner with Mummy.

Was that too much to ask?

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