
Chapter 34: Greatmama Juliette

Rose's car carried them through town, heading past the rougher side Alice wandered through only a few short days ago. Alice clung to her purse, the doll inside, fear and anger twisting together in a tornado of emotion leaving her on edge.

Rose remained silent through the drive, not humming, not looking at Alice, a grim frown fixed on her face. Alice cringed sideways toward the car door as the whirling emotions tore away at her and refused to ease.

Anxiety grew by the moment, heightening as Rose turned onto a narrow street. The water flashed just past a row of low houses as the little community encroached on the marsh, lawns as overgrown as Blunt House's, rusted old tricycles with missing wheels, half-stripped cars hunched decaying in the grass, broken pavement rocking the car under them as Rose guided her hatchback to the end of the street and into a pitted driveway.

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