
Chapter 85: Black Moonstone Wands

Black moonstone wands contain one or more black moonstones: a large one for the wand's end cap, a small one at the wand's tip, or small ones along the wand's length. Wand makers always use cabochon black moonstones to emphasize the surface opalescence.

Black Moonstone

Black moonstone is a form of feldspar that is primarily black to dark gray interspersed with the same kinds of shimmering iridescent highlights found in the more common white moonstone. These opalescent highlights are caused by light diffracting within regularly spaced microscopic layers of feldspar.

Mystical Properties and Uses

The most mysterious of mystical crystals, black moonstones have the following mystical properties:


Black moonstone has the elemental Earth because of their dark stone-like color. This is why black moonstone wands work best when focusing earth spells from the following spell sets:

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