
Promise You'll Come Back...

Putting aside my concerns for Akane, I returned home and spent the entire evening packing and preparing for my journey. I tried on my father's armor, and, as my mom predicted, found it to be a perfect fit. I also made sure to attach a couple of knives and hatchets to the armor.

I put aside a small bag of gold coins and the dagger Akane gave me, so I would also carry them underneath the armor. Everything else, including the camping necessities, other gold coins, healing items, and weapons, were placed in three large leather bags.

My mom assisted me greatly in the efforts, so I gave her a few gold coins as a small token of gratitude for all her support. I was able to sleep peacefully, a recurring theme for the past few nights.

After I performed my daily ritual the next morning, I was about to head out to the shop for my final day of work, when my mom called for me before I reached the front door. "Hey, Haru! I talked to Akane's mother this morning, and she told me Akane isn't going to make it to work. She's still feeling too ill to get out of bed, so you should handle things on your own today."

"Ohhh… okay. Thanks for letting me know, mom."

I continued to stand still before the door, concern rising again for Akane's sake. Huh… she's been sick for 3 days in a row, and she still can't get out of bed? Maybe I should stop by the apothecary after work to get some medicine for her…

There was plenty to wrap up at work, so I put aside my worries and left the house. Usually, Akane was the first to arrive and open up the shop, so it felt odd I was by myself today.

There were two appointments for the dungeon, both for the afternoon. Fortunately, I had enough time to complete the paperwork for all the trips I made during the past week. I kept delaying the work because the thoughts of the journey were a constant distraction. And on a couple of occasions, Akane forced the guilt trip on me… which I admit I deserved, looking in hindsight of the situation.

Although the two customers were very lively and accommodating to my directions, it felt quite lonely at the shop without Akane. There had been days when she would not be at the shop, but I would still get to see her either during that same evening or the next morning. Not having seen her yesterday or the day before that added to my sense of loneliness.

After writing up my reports for the day's dungeon trips, I closed up the shop and headed to the apothecary. Upon entering, I greeted the clerk at the counter. "Hello, I wanted to get some herbal medicine. Akane's been sick for the past three days, so I just wanted to get her something strong enough to help her feel better."

"Oh, so sorry to hear that. Let me take a quick look for you," the clerk replied. She quickly wrapped up a batch of potent herbs together into a small bag and dropped the package into my hands. "I'm sure she'll be better soon… especially knowing who it's coming from…" I was unable to resist hearing a snicker from her as she whispered the words at the end.

"What was that?" I asked the clerk.

"Oh, it's nothing! Just make sure she gets that medicine! Have a good night then!"

As I walked out of the apothecary, a single thought consumed me. Did this town love to pull my leg or something?

With the medicine in hand, I walked back to Akane's house. And for the third consecutive evening, her mother answered the door. "Hello again, Mrs. Rainoha. Is Akane still not feeling well right now?"

"Hello there, Haru… I wish I had better news for you, but Akane still hasn't been able to get out of bed. She's still not well enough to have visitors, either. I'm sorry…"

"No, no, you don't have to apologize at all. I understand she needs rest, so it's fine. In fact, I brought some special medicine to help her feel better."

"Oh, thank you! I'm sure Akane will be so happy to know this is coming from you. Also, you're leaving early in the morning tomorrow, right?" Akane's mother asked as I dropped the package of medicine into her hands.

"Yes, I am. I'll come by again before I leave to wish you all well."

"Thank you, and I'm sure Akane would appreciate the gesture too. Have a good night then!"

After Akane's mother closed the door, I returned slowly back to my own house. A single thought kept lingering in my head: What was really ailing Akane?

My final evening at home was pretty uneventful, the usual festivities of dinner and casual conversation with my mom. She kept repeating how she was going to miss me and how I needed to always be careful while traveling. I tried my best to quell her fears, but I understood how she felt. My father was already gone, and her only son was about to leave town, so it made sense she would be quite lonesome in the house after tonight.

"Mom, Akane and her family are still going to be here, and they're just as much like family to you as I am."

"You're right. I'm glad they're here for me too, just like they've been there for you for so long."

Seeing smiles on each other's faces, we let the matter drop and continued on with our chores. Two hours later, we decided to call it a night, and I fell asleep rather quickly again.

When I woke up the following morning, I noticed some heavy clouds in the sky. I was hoping for pure sunshine on my way out of town, but as long as there was no rain, I was content I would remain dry.

After taking one final check of all my belongings, I carried my armor and the bags downstairs and ate a large helping of my mom's breakfast. She helped me to put on the equipment, and I made sure to carefully conceal the small bag of gold coins and Akane's dagger inside.

My mom couldn't help but beam at me after I had the armor on. "You really do remind me so much of your father. I can't help thinking just how good it looks on you, considering how good it looked on him too. I guess it really is fate you'd be going out into the world."

"Awww, Mom," I muttered, blushing profusely at her remarks. "But thanks, I'm glad you've supported me this whole time, and I'll always think of you while I'm on the road."

"I would hope you wouldn't forget your own mother," she said, offering a warm laugh. "And remember, if you're feeling down or it seems like you're losing hope, there are people back home who deeply care about you and will be wanting to see you return."

"Yeah, I know… Thanks for the reminder!"

As I approached the front door, I gave my mom one final hug and said goodbye. Holding the handles of my bags over my right arm, I walked over to Akane's to offer my farewell to her.

But again, for the fourth consecutive time, Akane's mother answered the door. "Oh, hello, Haru… I assume you want to say goodbye to Akane?"

"Yes… is she able to come down?"

"Unfortunately, she's still unable to get out of bed. The medicine you gave me last night helped, and Akane's feeling a little better this morning. But she's still confined to her room."

"Ohhh… I'm sorry to hear that. Is it alright if I go upstairs to her instead?"

"Surrre… I think she would be happy to see you one last time. But I don't think she'll open the door, so you don't catch her illness before your big trip. Just knock first, okay?"

"Alright, I got it. Thank you, Mrs. Rainoha."

I dropped my bags inside the entrance and headed upstairs. As I approached Akane's room, I thought I heard a small noise coming from the other side of the door. It sounded like crying, but I wasn't entirely sure, with some coughing and brief silences mixed in.

I decided to ignore the noise and knocked on the door. "Hey, Akane… are you awake?" I paused for a moment and then continued. "I guess you can't come to the door, so I'll just talk from here. I hope the medicine I brought you last night is helping, and I hope you get better real soon. I'm leaving right now, and I wanted to say goodbye to you. I know I'll return to Kolm someday, so I'll visit you whenever I'm back. Well, farewell, for now, Akane."

I didn't hear any sound coming from the other side of the door, so I walked back downstairs and picked up my bags. After thanking Akane's mother and saying goodbye to her, I left Akane's house and walked down to the fountain in the center of town.

The trek there took longer than usual, as I wanted to take in all of Kolm's wonder for the final time. The clouds still hadn't cleared up by the time I saw the carriage by the fountain. As I expected, a driver, holding reins attached to a horse in his hands, was waiting for me. The coach he was attending to was made to fit 4 people, the same size as the one Maya had used on her departure from the guide shop.

The driver helped place my bags inside the trunk compartment at the rear and opened the door on the carriage's right side. As I was about to step inside, I heard someone calling out for me.

"Haru!!! Haruuuu! WAIT!!!"

When I turned around, I saw Akane running towards me. I couldn't help but also notice the clouds were starting to clear up, as she approached.

Before I was able to react, Akane bumped into me, fists clenched, and elbows raised, both onto my chest. She kept her head down, so I was unable to see her face. But I heard some sniffling coming from her.

I decided to keep my arms down and away from Akane and instead asked, "A-A-Akane, I thought you couldn't get out of bed at all? How are you even running?!"

"You dummy…you dummy…" Akane shouted into her arms. She then cried, "Just promise…! Promise you'll come back…! Promise you'll come back…" She paused and then said softly, "… to me…"

I stood speechless for a long moment, unsure how best to answer her. But before the words came out, Akane, with tears in her eyes, raised her head and lifted herself closer to my face. I felt sweat drop on my forehead, as I saw Akane's lips reach closer to mine.

But suddenly, Akane tilted slightly to her left and kissed me on the lower portion of my right cheek. The edge of her lips barely graced my own, and we stood there in that embrace for seemingly an eternity.

Akane eventually pulled her head away to take one quick look into my eyes. With the clouds continuing to break and the sunshine further penetrating through, I saw fewer tears. And just as fleetingly, she separated herself from me and started to walk back slowly in the other direction.

I still stood there speechless, but I knew I couldn't just leave without making that promise to her. Before Akane was too far away, I shouted, "Akaneee…! You don't have to worry! I promise with all my heart, I'll come back!"

Akane paused and stretched her arms into the air. She then dropped her arms behind her back and clasped her hands together. When she turned her head back, I saw what was probably the warmest and most loving smile I'd ever seen Akane give me.

She opened her lips and said, "Haru, I l…"

Unexpectedly, a gust of wind blew into my face, obstructing my hearing, and some sunlight flashed into my eyes, blinding my vision. I was unable to hear or see what Akane's next words were. But I was able to listen to her final two words, "… one day."

Akane quickly turned her head back and continued to walk off with hands clasped behind her back. I tried to call out to her again, "Akane... wait…", but the wind drowned out my voice.

At that moment, I felt like running back to her. I was unsure if I was about to leave with things unsettled.

But then, I remembered the promise I made to Maya and then the promise I just made to Akane. The smiles both gave me when I made those promises also flashed back and forth in my mind. I realized I couldn't turn back now, or else all I had said in the past week… to Maya… to my mom… to Master Takagi… to Akane… would just be for nothing.

Squashing the regret that tried to fester in me, I walked into the carriage. And as the clouds dissipated and sunshine brightened the entire landscape, the driver pulled on the reins, and the coach started moving south out of town.

I took one final look at Kolm, saying goodbye to the only place I'd ever been in. I then looked forward, towards the driver and ahead to the journey awaiting me.

Haru has finally left his hometown. And the last time we'll see Akane for a while, and I tried as best I could to make it memorable. A new arc starts tomorrow!

TosataFujinamicreators' thoughts
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