
Training in Olympus Part 1

As Nate stepped out the other end of the wormhole, he found himself in a beautiful kingdom of many islands resting on clouds, with Greek-style buildings on them. After taking a moment to look around, Nate saw a beautiful woman with a spear and creepy looking shield rushing at him, ready to fight. The woman's face was hidden by a helmet, so as far as her face he could only see her grey eyes, but her long blond hair that leaked out of the helmet was wavy, shimmering and beautiful, and her figure was very beautiful and seductive.

Nate blocked the spear with a sword he got in Asgard "Now, now, Athena, that's no way to greet someone." he grins and looks over her a bit "Wow, you're gorgeous." he complimented her.

"Who are you?" Athena asked with suspicion.

"I am the Phoenix" Nate insisted and grinned "You're supposed to be known for your wisdom, so you should know who I am."

Athena leapt back, but remained on high alert "If that is the truth, then why are you here?" she asked with suspicion.

"I've recently spent a couple years training with the Aesir, so I came here for the same reason, to train. Can't you tell by the weapon and armor that they gave to me?" Nate pointed out to her "I started inheriting the Phoenix Force powers relatively recently. My senior, Hope, sent me alone to train with you all. She can use all of the Phoenix Force while I am a new hatchling at it. A Promising one, I assure you, though."

The white aura of the Phoenix materialized around Nate to physically verify what he had claimed to be true, and the Phoenix unleashed a loud screech. "Are you satisfied now, my beautiful Athena?" he flirted.

A huge, muscle-head roared out and came charging in Nate's direction with a sword "STOP ARES!" Athena demanded to him.

"But he's an invader!" Ares protested, but did stop and faced Athena.

"He's the Phoenix! If we act rashly you'll doom us all!" Athena snapped at Ares.

"Greetings, Ares. I was just proving my status as the Phoenix to Athena. I am not here as an enemy." the Phoenix cloak withdrew into Nate and it disappeared. He then smiled at Athena "Are you willing to help me train to get used to my power? I would be honored to train with such a beauty."

Athena looked to be a bit afraid, and weighed her words carefully before saying anything,but Ares exploded into motion and slashed with his sword, cutting off Nate's head. "YOU MORON!" Athena snapped at Ares while Nate's head was still flying through the air, though Nate's body did not fall over at all. Athena moved to fight Ares and to prevent him from making matters even worse.

Ares blocked Athena's spear with his sword "You fight me over a damn mortal?" he said, his tone filled with contempt.

"YOU IGNORANT FOOL!" Athena was pissed, fearing that Ares had doomed them all.

Nate's body casually headed over to his head and picked it up and reattached it to his neck, and his regeneration kicked in, healing the wound as though he had not just been decapitated.

Nate looked at Athena and Ares who were locked in combat, and frowned "She's right, you know. You are an ignorant fool. I am the Phoenix. You really shouldn't pick fights with the primordial force of renewal, resurrection, reincarnation, and rebirth. You wont live if I get serious."

Hearing Nate speak caught Ares off guard, as he'd been convinced that the 'mortal' was dead "That's impossible" Ares protested.

"Athena, I am willing to forgive this aggression if you are willing to train me and help me to fully master my powers." Nate offered to her "If Ares acts against me in this manner again, I will kill him and him alone. I will not hold all of Olympus responsible for the actions of one idiot."

Athena abandoned her battle against Ares and approached Nate "Thank you for your mercy. Of course, how could I refuse to help you, who has shown us such mercy?" she was still a bit afraid, but more then that she was relieved because she had thought that Nate was about to massacre all of Olympus because of this slight. Well, she knew that maybe he could not do that yet, but they certainly couldn't kill him either, and there was his mentor, who was presumably a fully powered Phoenix. It would certainly be within his mentor's power to massacre them all.

"ATHENA!" Ares was getting furious about the way she was treating him.

"Oh shut up, Ares." a woman with long brown hair and red eyes approached wearing a beautiful orange dress. Her breasts were not as large as Athena's, but were still nice, She was definitely pleasing to look at from the perspective of the horny fifteen year old boy that was Nate "The Phoenix is not an existence we should anger." the newcomer insisted to the god of war.

"Are you Aphrodite?" Nate guessed as he examined the newcomer.

The woman chuckled and seemed amused by his question "Welcome to Olympus, Phoenix. My name is Hestia."

The name surprised Nate, though he kept a straight face. When he thought about possibly meeting Hestia, his mental image was of a shorter girl with massive breasts, likely due to the influence of a show called Danmachi, but contrary to expectations she was abound 6 feet tall,a full two inches taller then Athena, though Athena's helmet made her look taller with it's plumage..

"Oh yes, the goddess of the Hearth. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Hestia." Nate greeted her "I'll put myself into your care and Athena's for the next three years." he declared, thinking he'd just gotten himself into an ideal situation where he'd get to spend time with two gorgeous goddesses who were supposedly still virgins.

Hestia nodded in understanding to Nate "For now, though, go with Athena. I should let Zeus know of the situation.

"Take what time you need" Nate insisted to Hestia, smiling "I'll be training here for three years, so I'll have plenty of time to spend with you and Athena."

Ares was gnashing his teeth together in rage as Athena led Nate away from the wormhole.


After separating from Nate and Athena, Hestia headed to the Throne Room where the twelve highest ranking Olympians regularly met. While they were not all present, Zeus, Hera, and Hades were.

Poseidon, Artemis, Hermes, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Ares, and Poseidon were missing from the throne room.

"What was the commotion, Hestia?" Zeus asked.

"The Phoenix came to visit and train here, Ares tried to pick a fight, Athena resolved the situation, so for now we don't have to worry about getting massacred." Hestia reported.

"Hestia, how could the Phoenix really threaten us?" Hera insisted.

"Oh, that particular one probably wouldn't be able to harm us, but he indicated that he was here to train so that he can fully inherit his mentors power. The power he has already received, though relatively small so far, is of a pure white Phoenix, If a host of the Phoenix has purified the Phoenix Force and turned the energy white, then he or she can, according to legend, use one-hundred percent of it's power." Hestia warned the other three "That individual would probably be able to kill us very easily, and even if he or she cannot, they can at least collapse this dimension and cut off our access to Ambrosia. Heck, even a weak, young Phoenix might be able to destabilize this dimension if he really wanted too,"

Hera frowned, clearly not expecting the White Phoenix to appear "How did Ares pick a fight with the Phoenix?"

"Decapitation during conversation" Hestia answered simply "But the Phoenix simply picked up his head and put it back on and healed in a moment. Normally, when a host of the Phoenix dies, they will resurrect eventually, could be a couple minutes, a couple months, or a couple centuries, but whatever the case, if the host dies while still possessing the Phoenix force, they will resurrect eventually.The White Phoenix, though, simply shrugged off decapitation and did not die."

Hades chuckled "That big idiot could have doomed us all because he's a musclehead who cares only about battle. If he cannot think through his actions, does he truly belong on this council?" he dropped the hint now, but intended to bring it up the next time that the twelve met.


Due to his intense training, especially during the past two years, Nate was able to physically pass as a few years older, so as he followed the sexy goddess, Athena, he started planning a bit to assert himself as an adult. Though he had found Sif attractive back in Asgard, he knew he was too young then, and wouldn't have had a chance with her yet, but Athena had not seen him two years ago, so he thought he had a chance.

When they finally arrived at Athena's residence, she seemed a bit nervous, but eventually led Nate inside. She had taken off her helmet on the walk to this place and carried it under her left arm, so he got to see her face finally, which was definitely a beautiful one that matched her impressive body. Surprisingly, while the exterior looked like ancient Greek architecture, the interior of the building looked like a modern home. Athena was about to start giving Nate a tour when suddenly he kissed her on the lips passionately.

Athena froze up, afraid he was going to take her then and there, but after the kiss Nate took a step back "I don't even need to read your thoughts to tell what you are thinking. I assure you, while I do want to make love to you, I don't want it to happen because you are afraid of me, it will be because you want me too make love to you." he smirked confidently.

Nate's words caught Athena off guard. She had never been kissed before, either, so between that kiss and hearing him make a declaration like that, Athena's heart was racing and she felt other unfamiliar sensations in her body.

If some random mortal had stolen her first kiss, Athena likely would have punished him immensely, but the Phoenix was not a random nobody, so she couldn't do that. Also, there were the unfamiliar sensations that she was coping with. For now, she could only be grateful that he was not going to take here here and now.





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