

"Okay, okay!" Brady said, trying to sit up. "Thank you, but I feel like I'm getting electrocuted... no offense."

Auria smirked, clearly amused. "It was necessary in order to lift the curse. I had to pull it out of you quite literally. Both of you need to take it easy until your powers come back fully."

Lucas nodded, holding his head as he sat up. "Why do I feel so drained? And why does my head feel like it's about to split wide open?"

"Well, they used a powerful curse that suppresses your powers," Auria explained, crouching down to their level. "And when a supernatural being's powers are suppressed, they manifest internally, unable to escape." She smirked. "I'd be careful over the next few days until your powers return back to normal."

Lucas nodded, taking Dakota's hand to help him to his feet. "Thanks, everyone. Not just for restoring our powers, but for rescuing us."

Auria tilted her head to the side. "What happened?"

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