

Marco's P.O.V

"I am a businessman I don't do shit. You should have known that before you deceived me."

I raised my gun in his head as I uttered the words angrily.

" Señor am begging you please spare my life."

He shakingly mouthed.

" Alfaro take him in the dungeon" I ordered.

"Señor please I beg you don't kill me." He said

"Don't worry I won't kill you now."I replied slapping his cheeks.

They locked him in the dungeon, He would stay there until he would tell us where did they brought my drug shipment.

One of my man rushed over me and told that they spotted the shipment to Seville, Spain.

" Prepare the plane and gather our men we are going there today." I instructed.

"Señor what about the traitor?" Alfaro asked

"Leave two men to watch that old hog in the dungeon kill him immediately if we got the shipment back. But if not, I need him alive." I replied.

"Got it Boss!" my men responded as they get ready for our departure.

I am Marco Dumas, a rich businessman in France. But many would not know the other side of me being "Yousef" the terror man behind the Mafia.

My reputation wasn't tainted by the underground community. I control most of it.

I got power, wealth, extreme connections all over the world. Even a politician will not attempt to befriend me.

I own several businesses inside and outside France. I have hotel, casinos, resorts, bars and a software company.

"It is time to go to Seville Señor Dumas." Alfaro reminded.

I nod as we walked to the car on our way to the tarmac.

"Do we have enough men to check if the shipment is really at Seville?" I asked.

"ne les laissez pas le perdre" I instructed them not to loose it.

"Let's get there as soon as we can." I ordered.

The plane took off. It will take us 5 hours or more before we get there. I stayed calm as I plan all my actions in getting back my shipment. It is my first time to go to Seville.

It was almost dawn when we landed. We had to check in first in a hotel before the sun will set. No one should recognize that I am here.

Alfaro and I will stay at Hotel Ribera de Triana while some of my men will spend their night near the port to make sure the shipment is still there.

I ordered Alfaro to gather the men for a short discussion.

"As you all know we only have one goal why we are here at Seville. Please,! please! make sure we are able to get it back."I said.

I gave all my instructions and everyone nodded in agreement before I got them dismissed.

I settled in my room for a while and had Alfaro arranged a meeting with some of my connections in this city. I ordered him not to disclose that I'm Yousef my mafia identity.

I have to know who was behind this conspiracy.

The next day I met Señor Leo De Silva, a businessman he has a lot in all parts of Spain.

We are just an acquaintance but I assume he knows the in and out of Seville.

"Pleasure to see you Señor Leo!" I offered my hand to him. He reached his hand and shook mine.

"Welcome to Spain Marco what do I owe your visit?" He said.

" I have a shipment stolen from me and my men was able to trace it here in Seville." I said

He had a questioning look before he replied. "And what would that shipment costs you? Raising hi eyebrow asking.

" 1,000,000€" and am willing to pay you 300,000€ if you will help me get it back safe and sound." I quipped.

" Seville has only one port I guess it will be easy. " He replied smirking.

" Let's meet tomorrow at Triana Market nine o'clock will take you to the port and fix some papers. "He stated.

" It is a deal then!" I Smiled, as I tap his shoulders.

" See you tomorrow Señor Leo." I politely gestured.

I returned back to my hotel room and rested.

The following morning I get up from bed and took a shower.

I wore a white long sleeves and a black trouser. I took my phone an called Alfaro instructed him to be ready in a few. We left at no time.

When we arrived in the market, we were guided by the men of Señor Leo in the side of the market some sort of a coffee place to discuss what's going to happen.

To our surprise, a black SUV drove shooting us to death. I was able to run on to the market place but I was badly shot and the only thing I remember was a beautiful lady shouting for help.

"Señor, Señor, puede oírme No duerma." She shouted as she taps my shoulders "Please stay with me until the ambulance gets here." She yelled.

My vision starts to blur, I'm having shortness on my  breath. I feel the pain as she holds me tight.

I almost fainted when an ambulancd came. The next thing I knew I was already in the hospital.

I woke up weakly from bed clueless of what happened to my men and Señor Leo. I stood up to look where I am exactly Luckily a nurse came to my aid.

"Señor no te muevas, Sigues siendo débil" she was telling me not to move for am still weak.

I returned to my hospital bef and asked. "Where am I exactly?

" You are here in Hospital de los Venerables." She answered. I will call the doctor. She hurried to the door.

The doctor arrived instantly. He run some tests on me. " You recovered fast Mr.??? Sorry we didn't get any identification from your belongings." He said.

Marco Dumas I told him back.

Well Mr. Dumas you are one lucky man someone took care of you before you got into the hospital if not you might be a cold dead meat now. He stated.

I remembered the lady who helped me, her beautiful face flashed back.

"Did she came here?" I inquired.

"Am afraid she didn't join the ambulance who brought you here." but thanks to her. He replied.

"The police were still wauting to talk to you when you gain consciousness. Just let us know if we can send them in.

I just nodded I cannot hold them for not seeing me. They will be suspicious of me if I don't face them I just need to stick looking innocent businessman.

Not long after the police entered my room.

"Hola Señor Dumas, somos de la estación de policía de Triana. Solo tenemos algunas preguntas sobre el incidente del tiroteo." The police is now interrogating me about the shooting incident at Triana Market.

I just shook my head saying that I didn't know why I was shot and I was just merely drinking coffee with a businesman named Leo De Silva in the side of the market when a black SUV started shooting our direction.

"I am not from here, Am just here to discuss some business with Señor Leo." I ran saving myself but unfortunately I was shot bad.

I don't know what happened next." I narrated.

" I am Marco Dumas, if you need to check on my record you may look into my businesses and in the French Embassy."I added.

"We regret to inform you Señor de Silva was dead. He was shot in the head.  The police said.

"My assistant was with me when this happened do you know where he was? his name is Alfaro Rivera.  I imparted.

" There is another patient in this hospital but he was badly hurt and still in coma. He might be the one you are looking for." they announced.

"Since we believe that this incident was connected to Señor de Silva we will go ahead. Thank you dor for your cooperation Señor Dumas Get well soon." He said We will just go back if we find other leads. " he added as they walk out of my room.

I had a deep breath. I didn't professed anymore information that would lead to my involvement in this incident. Its been very unfortunate for Señor Leo to be killed in my expense. But I will surely make the person who did this pay not just a fortune but their lives. Clinching my fist hard.

I called the nurse to ask if Alfaro is the person the police referring to and fortunate enough it was really him. I felt relieved.

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