
Did Not Anticipate

When Frey walked away, Arvid suddenly had the urge to follow her. When he stood up from his seat, Miya furrowed her brows as she cocked her head to the side, curious as to why he suddenly stood up. 

"Why are you standing up? Do you know the girl?" she asked, Arvid abruptly sitting down. 

"Yes," Arvid didn't want to deny it, Miya, creasing her brows further. 

"If you know her, then why did you both ignore each other? Is something going on between you two?" she asked, Arvid shaking his head profusely to say no. 

"I don't know," Arvid just said, shrugging both of his shoulders. "It happens," he added, Miya slowly nodding as she could not understand why the two ignored each other when they knew each other. 

"Then focus," Miya said, slightly rolling her eyes at Arvid as she propped a hand under her chin. "You asked me on a date, right? Don't let your attention wander off to some other woman."

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