
Chapter 51 Care For A Dance? Part 1

===========Rimuru pov===========

(This won't end well...)

Suu had moved before I had the chance to and honestly, well, I couldn't really blame her for that. All things considered I'm rather surprised that she was even able to hold back for this long to be honest. The problem however was that she may have just antagonized all the other demon lords with that little speech of her's, thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case for the most part.

[I do not detect any hostile or murderous intent from the others present, some do appear slightly annoyed with her though.] Great Sage hummed in my head causing me to relax a bit.

However, after a moment a question popped into my mind. (Since when could you sense how people were feeling?)

[I am using one of Suu's skills to monitor them to some extent, her emotional based abilities are quite useful for this scenario.] I knew Great Sage could communicate with Suu but I didn't know she could tap into her skills as well.

(Oh, that sure is interesting at least.) I would have asked how she was doing it but currently I was more focused on something else.


(At least now I know, however I still might as well keep some of my focus on them just in case things change.) I mused as I glanced over at the others in the room to see their reactions.

Most of the demon lords were either neutral or just didn't give a shit, one of them was even sleeping without a care, although he had been asleep from the very start so nothing had really changed there. Their followers were the same really, some looked slightly angry at her little speech though but none spoke up for now.

Out of all of them the only ones that got my attention were Guy and Frey. Guy looked as if he had just found something both amusing and interesting, it was a look that wasn't malevolent but still gave me a rather odd and almost wary feeling. Anyway, as for Frey, well, her reaction was slightly different in a way, she was looking at Suu like someone trying to figure out a puzzle, it was strange to say the least.

And as for Shion, Ranga, Zeref and Fuyuko, well, they also had mixed reactions. Shion was grinning and nodding her head at everything Suu said, Ranga was happily wagging his tail, Zeref looked as if he wanted to rip Clayman in half, an idea that I wasn't entirely against, and Fuyuko was the only one who look somewhat concerned and disapproving.

(It seems that she is the only responsible one in our group.) I chuckled internally before stopping and letting out a sigh

(Still though...I agree with Suu on this one, I'm getting real sick of his whining.) I growled as the anger I was suppressing began to bubble to the surface.

"Damn Suu, you really beat me to the punch this time." I mused coldly as I stood up with a dark expression.

"Finally decided to get off your ass I see." Was her response as she continued to glare over at Clayman.

"Those chairs are surprisingly comfy." I said, getting a chuckle from her.

Clayman on the other hand didn't find it all that funny. "You dare to stand there and crack jokes after humiliating me in such a way!"

"Oh honey, you act as if that's something hard to do, I mean you've been humiliating yourself since you walked in here, so at this point I'm starting to think you enjoy it." I cracked a smile at that, Suu could be surprisingly good at pissing people off when she wanted to.

Before I or Clayman could respond to that someone spoke up. "She is right..." Guy, the redhead who had been silent for most of this meeting suddenly cut in. "This is truly starting to get annoying at this point and honestly I'm quite bored of this back and forth."

"What do you mean?" Clayman asked, sounding slightly nervous.

"They're right is what I mean, it's about time we put an end to all of this."

==========Suu pov===========

"See, even he knows that you're an arrogant fool who deserves to be put to bed once and for all." I hissed, causing the asshole to glare at me with hatred in his eyes.

"You dam-!" He wasn't able to finish that however, mostly because of what happened next.

Guy just sat there with a calm expression yet the whole room had become suffocating. "Quiet. Down. Please."

(Okay...note to self, don't fuck with the red head.) I warned myself as the pressure disappeared almost as quickly as it began.

"Clayman, they are right, more specifically she is correct in her words." He hummed while gesturing in my direction. "You have made quite the scene and for what, a situation that you should have been able to handle on your own."

He sighed, sounding slightly bored but continued anyway. "But I'll give you a chance to atone for all of this foolishness that has so far wasted my time. All you have to do is prove yourself, prove that you are worthy of your current position and kill them here and now, however if you are unable to do this then they will take your place." He explained with a smile. "It is quite simple, isn't it?"

"Very well." The bastard smiled slightly as if he had already won, a fact that only served to piss me off more.

[This will be entertaining...] A familiar yet slightly foreign voice echoed in my head.

(Would you just say out of this.) Silence was all I received as a response. (I'm going to need to have a word with those two later.) I had a feeling this voice was from a certain skill of mine that had been giving me quite a few issues as of late.

(Anyway...) I sighed as I refocused on the task at hand, a task I would take great joy in.

And so things began, however to start we all moved to the center of the room. Shion and Ranga were with us but I had left Zeref and Fuyuko out of this for now, it would be no fun at all if the bastard died before I could play with him a bit.

"You sure it's a good idea to let them all just fight in here?" Ramiris asked, causing Guy to pause.

"Good point." With a wave of his hand a barrier appeared around those preparing to fight, the barrier seemed to actually bend space however as it increased the size of our battle area without affecting the space outside at all.

"Still a little too cramped in here for this type of thing don't you think." I hummed and snapped my fingers.

In an instant the area inside the barrier turned into a massive open landscape of grass and rocks. I was thankfully able to allow it so that those outside could still see it though, something I didn't actually know I could do until now but whatever.

"Interesting..." Guy mused not seeming to mind my slight intervention in the matter.

"And since when could you do this?" Rimuru asked but I shrugged it off.

"I'll tell you later, right now we have someone to kill."

"We will see about that." Clayman chuckled and clapped his hands, immediately something smashed through both of the skills that were separating us from the outside.

I barely had time to step forward and block before a fist slammed into me with enough force to shatter all my protective barriers in an instant. (She really is a monster, she broke into my Domain Of Horrors as if it was nothing.)

"Suu?" Rimuru spoke from behind me sounding concerned but I ignored him in favor of focusing on the pink haired girl before me.

"Hey Milim..." I muttered softly but got no response but that didn't bother me, in fact I was smiling ever so slightly. "May I have the honour of this dance?"

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