
[Arc 1]Chapter 5

Arno F. Fabian's POV

"Hmm...", I muttered while analysing my opponent's - Mara's - fighting style.

In game terms, her fighting style is based on strength, agility and dexterity. The big three.

"HAAAAAA~", Mara cried as she dashed to attack me.

I dodged it and tried to slip her over with my foot, but failed.

'Damn supernatural physics.', I thought while wanting to rub my feet's pinky.

"Aww~ aren't you fired up over a little match?", I taunted her.

"Shut... Up!", She said while continuing her onslaught of attacks.

She increased the pace of her attacks, and to my displeasure started even using her [Semblance].

From my observations, her [Aura] colour is dark blue and her [Semblance] colour is light blue. I'm pretty sure her [Semblance] has to do with granting a power boost for a short period of time, or something similar.

"Stop dodging!", She shouted towards me.

"I'm not a masochist!", I argued back.

I can dodge her but attacking is a whole 'nother story. I mean, how the fuck do you attack someone who can break steel. With their bare hands. While they're all willynilly.

"HA~", She increased the pace even further?!

"What are you, a mutated gorilla?", A muttered audibly enough for her to hear.

I could visibly hear something break inside her, and if this was an anime I would definitely assume that veins would be popping out of her head.

'I'm dead.'

"Your dead.", She said as she increased the pace to maximum.

"Oh sh--", I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I was blown far away into the air.

Is this how Team Rocket feels in those ancient old anime?


I heard multiple bones breaking as I crashed into multiple trees.

'Ah now that I realise it, this world has a blue sky too.', I thought absentmindedly.

I snapped out of my daze and observed my surroundings.

I'm in a forest which surprisingly seemed to be lush with vegetables and fruits, is this an orchard?

I tried to move my body - keyword being 'tried' - but a lot of my bones were broken.

'This is what I get for fighting without my [Aura]...', I sighed and then continued on 'Well, I guess all that's left is to train my supernatural powers, since I've already trained my body back into shape. Afterall, losing excessive blood makes it harder to move.'

To be honest I've only fought with my physical body because of two reasons. One, I wanted to cultivate my techniques more. Two, I wanted to retrain the control over my body because recently it's been feeling queasy to move.

'Well, time to see if I can heal my body with my [Aura].', I thought while enshrouding my body in a transparent grey-black wrapping film.

'Huh. How handy.', I thought while looking at my wounds visibly heal.

'Hmm... It's taking too slow maybe if I...', I thought as I tried to replicate pseudo cells which carry a regenerative effect.

To my surprise, it seems like I could also replicate cells. Note that I stated 'also' because I can also create weapons for a short amount of time, although it's easier to replicate cells due to the size. My [Semblance] is probably [Creation] considering the fact that I can make what I want, as long as I have the image and the know-how of what I want. Oh, and I also think it's my [Semblance] because it differs from my [Aura]'s grey-black colour, and is actually pure-white. Supernatural powers are handy.

"Time to see if it works.", I muttered as I raised my body effortlessly.

'Seems like I can replicate even cells as long as I know what they are, so what about poison?', Afterall, I have quite a number of knowledges on poison.

"He~y, Arno! Are you here!", I heard Mara call out to me.

"Yeah, I'm coming!", Still she didn't hold back this time.

'Wonder what I did to piss her off?', I thought absentmindedly.

I exited the rubble I was on and headed back to where Mara was, or at least I tried to.


I immediately readied my stance because the movement types don't resemble anything humanoid. I'm a Jack-Of-All-Trades and identifying humanoid from non-humanoid creatures is easy to train, especially when you meet SCPs from thousands of years ago.


The monster approached me to which I dodged to my left.


It seems like it didn't expect me to dodge. I took a closer look at it's appearance and I was stunned, with only one thought.

'Since when did the Grim Reaper fuck a boar.'

Afterall, the monster - or Grimm - I'm currently against is basically a big boar which has spikes and a skull for a head.

'Meh, might as well as use this as a good chance to gain experience.'

I let the Grimm arrive to me while I turned off my [Aura] and just manifested a small combat knife made from my [Semblance]. I'm only going to be dodging and attacking, I don't plan to get injured on such an amateur of a monster.

When the Grimm's claw arrived near my face, I dodged to the right of it and continued to move towards its back while lodging my knife into its arm, and continuing to move around with it.


While it screamed in pain, I made a Manoeuvre to the bottom of it's chin and created a new knife made from my [Semblance] and dug it into its face.

After that, I jumped backwards and let it disperse into thin air.

'Huh, supernatural powers are truly handy. I just needed to make my knives more concentrated and I could make them even sharper, I didn't even needed to exert much strength.', I thought while slightly smiling.

However, seeing that it would soon turn dark I headed back to Mara's location while muttering:

"But I guess Mara could kill it faster than me."

As I headed home I didn't notice something. Something, or more like someone, was watching me.

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