
Wait, that's illegal

"Took her long enough to figure out that I've been messing with her through the system this whole time."

Lazing around on a large couch is Akkre Kojuuin, The Keeper of Eternity. And what is he doing? He is watching his newest plaything make a fool of herself. And his plaything is, of course, the young woman who he forcefully and reincarnated, Cordelia Auspin.

"Akkre! You have some explaining to do!"

"Geez, keep it down, will you. I'm very busy, so keep it quick Raziel."

The woman who came storming into Akkre's room is another one of the three Keepers, The Keeper of Knowledge, Raziel.

"For someone who looks like an angel, you certainly do act like one. Not with all that noise your making."

"I'm not an angel and you know that! And don't try to put aside this issue! I've been getting complaints again that you directly messed with Earth again."

"Hmm... oh, that. That's old news, try to keep with the times you old hag."

"You're older than me! Wait, now not the time for this again. Just explain what you did."

"Oh not like I did anything new, just another person and sent them off for an experiment."

"You're not supposed to do that though. I'm sure another complaint will be brought up in the next Celestial Council meeting, tomorrow seems like a massive headache now."

"Oh, the Council is meeting tomorrow? Didn't realise its the end end of the month already. Since your visiting, can you go get me some snack from the kitchen? My new toy thinks she was a good idea, I can't wait to see her reaction to it failing."

"You're a horrible person, sometimes I wonder how Tsuki puts up with you... but then I realise she has the same personality as you. I also won't be getting you any food, do that yourself. Moreover, this conversation has been derailed enough, stop trying to distract me."

"Did I hear an old lady call for me?"

A voice calls out as a young-looking woman appears from seemingly nowhere, next to Akkre. If Akkre is the biggest trouble maker to exist, then she would be the second biggest one. Akkre's wife, Tsuki Kojuuin, The Overlord of Magic.

"No, I didn't call you, and will the two of you quit calling me old."

"Oh but you said my name, don't forget that anything Akkre can see and hear, I can see and hear. Of course, the same applies to him too. Moreover, at the very least you are older than me."

"Can we please move back to the problem at hand. Your husband is causing trouble again. Some experiment, right? Is this about Grauntia again?"

"Yep, it's Grauntia. I even selected Miss Auspin and collected her information."

"Tsuki... you not only knew Akkre was going against orders from the Council to stop him from messing with Earth but even assisted him? Nevermind actually, I know that's the type of person you are. No point in giving myself a stomach ache over your antics too. Can you show me her profile at least?"

"Sure, here you go."

Tsuki waves her hand, and in her empty hand, a folder appears. Written over the top is a name, Cordelia Auspin. After handing the folder off to Raziel, Tsuki takes a seat in Akkre's lap as the two continue to watch Cordelia's new life unfold.

"Okay, I've finished reading through her files. At the very least you killed off someone dangerous, so there should be few gods on the Council who will ignore your blatant violation of the restrictions placed on you. But I'm sure most will try to push for a heavier punishment rather than a simple fine like before. But are you really sure you want to use someone so... so mentally unstable? She is clearly a psychopath. A perfect home life in a rich family... if we ignore that she killed her parents for their inheritance and life insurance. She even used the pity other people gave her to get into the good graces of others.

"Yeah, she is really messed up in the head. But everyone else I ever sent for my experiment ended up going insane by the end and died. That's why I had Tsuki look for someone who is already a bit off in the head. I mean, you even see her past, just for looking at her the wrong way, she would beat up other kids and they wouldn't even know what was coming. And this eventually evolved into killing people who upset her for the most absurd reasons. Like killing a waitress for messing up her order. This girl is fucked up in the head... it's beautiful, someone like this is a perfect fit to turn into a monster. You can't go insane if you're already insane after all."

"We clearly have very different definitions of what is beautiful. I'm heading back to my library, I'll be here tomorrow morning to make sure you two actually show up to the Council meeting this time."

"Yeah, okay, whatever-- wait, what? That's illegal!"

"Me dragging you two to the meeting is in no way illegal."

"Not you feather brain, it's Cordelia."

"Putting your off-handed insult aside, you two have a very rare expression on your face. What happened?"

"She killed a Scyphozoa, with almost zero effort."

"Three of them actually."

"... What? That shouldn't be possible. Scyphozoa are immortal soulforms, only Demons who specialise in soul attacks like you, Akkre, can kill a soulform with ease."

"For starters, I'm only a Half-Demon, kinda why I'm a Demon God. But that's not the point."

Moving over to his computer, Akkre begins to look into the System's history and find out what happened. After a few minutes of searching through the System Log, he found what he was looking for.

"Wow... really, did that really just happen?"

"How did the Scyphozoa die, Dear?"

"They umm... well they decided that death was a preferable option to living the rest of their life inside of Cordelia's stomach. I think I need to rework how the System processes moments like this for the future. She even has a soul furnace in her stomach now. She wasn't supposed to get that until way later."

"Hold on just a moment! You said something very important right now! Did you intend to give her a soul furnace from the beginning?"

"Well I wasn't going to just give it to her, but with her personality and my constant provocations, she was probably going to pick the strongest evolution to try and kill me. It just a coincidence that the strongest path for her to take happens to have a soul furnace on the way."

"I don't think it's just a coincidence since you can choose what she reincarnates as. Just for reference, what did you reincarnate her as? This wasn't included in her file."

"A Sea Snake."

Raziel closes her eyes for a moment to invoke her power as the Keeper of Knowledge and looks into the strongest possible evolutionary pathway for a Sea Snake. Looking through the vast expanse of Akkre's subspace, she finds her target.

"The Ouroboros... Just what the hell are you planning on doing in that subspace of yours!? That's one of the four Beasts of Calamity. The Council sent expeditions to kill them ages ago, why are you trying to bring them back! You even already revived one, Cipactli the Primordial Jaw. And both Catoblepas the Bane of Man and Azi Dahaka the Land Ravager, have several candidates for evolution running around in that world you created. I should have looked into what you were doing sooner!"

"But they were my pets. I raised them from young but the council voted to kill them when I was skipping my attendance. It's not like they were dangerous or anything, I mean sure, a couple plants and stars would go missing when I let them roam and sometimes a lot of people would die, not anything overly dangerous."

"It would seem that we also have very different definitions of dangerous. I'm looking forward to tomorrow less and less as time passes. Why do all the complaints about the trouble that you, Tsuki, and Chronos cause all come to me..."

"Because you're too nice and a complete pushover who isn't anywhere near as scary as the rest of us."

"I hate that your right. I'm going home, back to my library, with my books that won't cause me any trouble. Just make sure you're awake when I come to take you to the meeting tomorrow, or I'll drag you both in your sleep."

After Raziel leaves the room, silence fills the air as Akkre and Tsuki just look at each other and nod. and in the next moment, they vanish. The day eventually passes and Raziel shows up once more. But no matter how much she searches, throughout the entire complex of the Hall of Eternity, Akkre, and consequentially Tsuki, are nowhere to be found. All she found was a note that read, "We went to Grauntia, have fun in the Council meeting."

"Did those two really did just ditch me with their mess again! I shouldn't have warned them, I really am too nice..."

A very dialogue heavy chapter, as well as it being the first time I have written in first person so I hope it turned out well.

We get a look into the background of why Cordelia was reincarnated and even a little background info for her. Keeping it short, she is a psychopath. Then we get to meet two new characters, for you readers at least.

I had more written here previously but my Chrome crashed and I lost it, oh well.

I also fixed the previous chapters title name, that was a mistake.

Have a nice day everyone.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts
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