
Nightmares of a lone kid - part 7

* Played "Nothing in the Story - My first Story" while writing this *

AN: Yes, no warnings here! Enjoy!


What Black Wing saw in front of her left her breathless; a figure in a dark crimson armour sitting on the ground, with his back against the wall, embracing the small frame of Lady Luck's pet girl, Maya.

After a second glance, she realized that the armoured figure is actually the boy with the weird powers, Draven.

Yet, she only allowed herself to breath again once she was sure the kid was asleep.

Connecting the dots came so easy for the genius doctor that her conclusion made her yelp out loud.

Yet, that wasn't actually why she was frozen in place.

It was the glowing creepy eyes on his helmet!

They were looking her up and down, as if evaluating her, which made her tense even more.

After what felt like hours, the eyes flashed bright red, blinding her for a second before disappearing.

Black Wing was left dizzy and confused that it took her a minute to realize that the scary armour had disappeared along with the creepy eyes.

Sighing with relief, she wanted to finish off both kids to be done with this madness.

But unfortunately for her, fate had other plans for them...


The moment Maya opened her eyes, memories of the past events flooded her mind, leaving her more tired than ever.

"Huh? Where am I?" realising she was in a room she's never seen before, she started to panick.

It took her a second to realize it looked like a hospital.

"A hospital? Lady Luck would never bring me to one of these " , she thought out loud.

"Yea, she would never. Heck even I wouldn't dare, this is just my own personal emergency department ", Black Wing, with her mask off, strode past the curtains.

"You know, the underground isn't an easy place to fair in. A woman need to take care of herself ", she emphasized.

With what's happened so far, Maya was in no mood for any tricks or low blows, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING HERE? AND WHERE IS DRAVEN, YOU DIRTY A*SHOLE?!"

Her sudden burst startled Maria out of her shoes, she'd never expected her little mouth to be so loud, let alone say such things, "hey hey I'm sorry for earlier! I was desperate ok? I was dying ", she said, hands raised about her head in surrender.

"As for your questions, again, this is my place, I saw you sleeping in a dark alley like some stray cats and assumed you needed help and so I offered it out of the kindness of my heart!" she lied through her teeth.

"And your boyfriend is over there", she said pointing at one of the close curtains.

Maya didn't bother correcting her, she just rushed past her to see Draven.

"Thank God you're alright!" she sighed at the unconscious boy.

His face was flushed red with fever, but otherwise, he was unscathed.

The moment Maria got near Draven to check on him again, Maya pushed her away with such force no one would expect from her tiny frame.


"Hey, I'm trying to see how he's doing, I told you I saved you!"


"Oh wow, wish your parents heard you insulting the same person that spent the last three hours secretly transporting you here. My own neck is on the line here, you know!"

To her credit, Maya didn't even flinch at the mention of her parents.

"Let me explain, ok? Pretty please..."

Maya was nervous and skeptical, but she nodded.

Her voice cords were one shout away from snapping forever.

Maria got a hold of the scalpel on the nearby desk, and raised it towards Draven, before Maya could even react.

The moment she thought about how she'd like to cut him like a slap of meat, a splitting headache assaulted her leaving her gasping for air on the ground.

Maya was left speechless.

She hadn't missed how there was a weird eye tattoo on the back of her hand, glowing red.

It reminded her of the dragon's eyes she's seen on Draven's helmet.

The memory alone was enough to send a shiver down her spine.

The moment Maria dropped the scalpel, the tattoo faded away.

"As you can see, your friend here has cursed me", she said between heavy breaths, answering Maya's unasked question, and promoting others.


Almost a day after the incident, Draven has awakened.

"You're telling me you'll let us stay here? Why would you?" skeptical wasn't enough to describe how he felt about that.

He was still on his bed, Maya besides him, hugging his arm.

"Oh how many times do I have to repeat that? You, mister scary armour, have placed a curse on me. I don't know how, but I know for a fact, as if written in my brain, I can't hurt you. And if you die, I die with you" , with every word she spoke, Maria was pitying herself even more.

"What about Maya?"

"No, only you"

"How come you haven't hurt her yet?"

"Why would I? I told you I have nothing against you two", she'd rather lie than say she was afraid of his wrath.

She couldn't hurt him, yet the same couldn't be said about him.

And, whatever had happened back the brothel, she knew by heart that the creepy eyes were behind it.

She didn't want a bullseye on her back.

To her surprise, Draven was actually considering her offer.

"Maya", he said turning to Maya who was caressing his arm subconsciously.

"Would you be okay with staying here with-"

"No", she didn't yell, yet her voice was firm and clear as daylight.

"Please listen to me first", since he'd woken up , he'd discovered that Maya's small mouth was more than capable of making an adult woman cry.

As evident by Maria Bawlden's still watery eyes.

Yet, he hadn't criticized her one bit. After what she's been through, he was just happy she was coping well enough.

"I have my mom, the mayor, and as much as I hate it, I'll have to go back to her"

"You have mommy issues?" both girls spoke at the same time.

Draven was taken aback, he had played the events of the first day of this mess countless times.

His dad clearly wanted to get rid of him.

As much as it has hurt him, he had to live with it.

But the catch was that he doesn't know for sure if his mom was in on it, or if his dad was going solo.

"Yes ", he simply said.

None questioned further, but Maya tightened her arm around his back, in a gesture of affection that Draven appreciated, and Maria envied.

"Also, I still have school. You too must go to school, I bet you never learned how to read"

"Hey I can read!" Maya was offended.

"My point still stands" he wasn't backing down.

He then turned back to Maria, "Maria, here's my offer".

Draven listed his offer and conditions; first, Maya would live at her home, and she'd get her own room. Second, she'd have the best homeschooling Maria can afford, with herself being present at all times to make sure she's faring well. Third, anytime she wants to visit Draven, she has to comply. Lastly, she has to take care of her as her daughter, even adopting and protect her with her life.


"How else would you explain your sudden youthful and healthy appearance? weren't you supposed to be already dead if it wasn't for me?"

That shut her down.

"And how about the protect with my life part? what's my catch?" retorted Maria.

"Your catch? You'll live, plain and simple. Any questions?"

Many, she wanted to scream. Yet nothing came out.

What could she possibly do? With the curse binding her every action, she can't do anything but nod like a puppy.

After some convincing, Maya had accepted.

Mostly because Draven didn't allow for negotiations.

"You have to promise to visit me at least twice a day!" she whispered loudly with a broken tone.

At that, Draven hugged Maya tight, giving her back all of the missing affection she's never received.

"I've already promised that, little one, haven't I?"

How's quarantine treating you? Stay safe guys!

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