
Prologue (2) - Why we invade

*Invader NO. 5 point of view (POV)*

On planet Erembourc, where we originally come from, the army forces were always divided into special groups to compensate for our lack of numbers;

Team: 5 individuals

Squadron: 3 Teams

Company: 4 Squadrons

Division: 8+ Companies

And each group has an assigned rank that's based on the overall ranks of it's individuals. Our ranking system starts with 1 (normal Erembourcian soldier) and goes up to 10 (the most powerful of us) and beyond that are individuals we don't dare compare ourselves to.

Even among the same ranks, there's a vast difference in power. Meaning for a team to be level 8, it might be enough if one level 9 is present. And some level 9 individuals are strong enough to damage the structure of a planet.

In normal circumstances, a team is composed of:

1 Commander

1 Debuty Commander

1 Support individual (usually a magician)

2 Frontline individual (usually 2 warriors)

Our team was never the best, no not even close to the top, I made sure of it! Never have I been commited so hard to a mission to give the impression that we're capable of anything much!

Our team ranking was never high because I've always instructed to be preserved and never show our true potential, that's a one way ticket to freaking death missions!

Our current rank is 4 which is pretty decent for strong teams yet not too powerful. So there was no way we'd be assigned to a mission that's hard to get one of us injured, LET ALONE DIE! How in the world did it come down to this?

We were toying with everyone around here just a moment ago! we've made our research about stupid Earth, some individuals have the power to stop us but they're mostly EDA members and there's almost no chance of meeting them if we finish our mission within a 10 minute limit.

The mission was simple: "Erembourcian presence detected on Earth. determine threat level. Extract or eliminate individual(s) as needed". This is not our first time!

Planet Erembourc was destroyed in the Red Dawn War 13 years ago. Erembourcians were always one of the strongest races, if not the strongest.

Our life style reflected that of a warrior's, we always fight and conquer other planets to replenish our food sources, supplies, and most importantly, soul energy. As soul energy can only be obtained by devouring another person's soul.

We extract the soul and weave it into the prey's shadow, after that, it's only a matter of absorbing it.

Apparently, the Supreme FREAKING Galactic Shit decided we were a threat and combined forces with other major factions across the galaxy and worked up a plan to eliminate us. And that actually worked out well in their favour in the Red Dawn War.

Erembourc was destroyed and turned back into ashes! However, we were always prepared as a force, for that situation, that's why we had the youngsters escape through space capsules.

The capsules were designed to land on a planet with an environment that can ensure the survival of Erembourcians.

Since then, the survivors of the Red Dawn War including 9 of the 13 Great Sages have been looking for the youngsters. Three of Great Sages, and the King, have been missing ever since the war has ended.

There are many theories of what actually happened then and whether or not we've been betrayed by our own. Most Erembourcians believe that the planet wasn't destroyed by those Galactic ba*tards, but actually, an Erembourcian traitor have absorbed the soul of the planet itself which caused it to collapse.

And everyone started thinking that, by the process of elimination, the king must the only individual that's crazy and crazy strong to do something like that. Going missing got most people scratching their heads though since with that power, one could easily rule or destroy whatever they'd like.

Anyway, since then, the general rule was to capture anyone of the royal family, dead or alive. So, the search for the kids was also a cover-up to find the prince and his mother, the queen, that were told to have used a capsule during the war.

That being said, young Erembourcians usually won't survive for 13 years without any soul absorption, heck even the adults would die long before that.

However throughout our search, we realized that some kids have had the ability to use powers to weave and absorb souls from living creatures. That, or they've had some help.

In most cases, the missions would be us going in, baiting the young soul weavers to come with so many souls laying around for the take.

And then determine if they're a threat or not, and whether to take them in or eliminate them. Simple, right? Well apparently f*cking not!

In any other scenario, finding the prince would earn you the top reward available! But who in the world thought that a child would be able to take down my 2 fronliners and supporter in merely 30 seconds?

The bastard had the same azure eyes and blue hair as the queen, plus that snow pale complexion. At first I thought he's inherited his mother's powers, that would've been instant death for my team.

Although, after the first couple of blows were exchanged we realized that living away from Erembourcian guidance has made him so weak, so I let the team, minus me and my deputy commander take care of him while we took out the useless human soldiers that came to intercept us.

All good and well you say? Hell No! After a freaking minute of turning my eyes off of them, the kid turns into shadow form, and that's not all, HE NOW LOOKS LIKE HIS FATHER?? He didn't inherit the queen's, but the king's powers? Talk about the shittest luck in the history of shitty luck!

"Deputy commander, report!" I yell, but wait why am I not getting a reply? I look around to see DC engaging with a human dressed in an EDA suit. "*Huff* *Huff* sorry commander, this human is quite strong I don't think I can hold on for much longer *Huff*".


Alright, I guess it's time to get serious. My team's level is 4, however, it's our overall level. The 2 Fronliners and 1 supporter are all level 1. My DC is level 2. Myself however, I'm a level 5! I've avoided showing off my talents so we don't have to face a situation like this, but since it's come down to this, it's time to show my true colours!


*Draven's POV*

It's so dark. I feel like I'm drowning, but I know I'm not. I hate this feeling. I can't move! I used to be able to use this power so freely, what has changed now? I'm a cold blooded killer, since when can't a killer kill? Ah, it all started when Rachel showed up... Why was I so weak in front of her? No, since when was I so weak?

My body is moving on its own, fueled by hunger. It's been a while since I've absorbed any souls. Damn, I miss my part time job.

Is the fight not over yet, I'm pretty sure I've absorbed at least one soul already! I might be able to get a glimpse of what's happening if I focus enough, but with the amount of power I have left, I can't spare any, if I wanted to try and take my body back once this is over that is.


*Back to the commander's POV*

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* This is way worst that I've imagined. A child who can withstand my attacks and even fight me back? Me, a level 5? Prince or not, that kid is way too big of a threat to be left alive!

At first I thought our supporter was merely unconscious, but when I got close enough I realized she has a hole for a face! HOLY F*CK! And the other 3 are all either busy fighting for their lives or can't move at all because of their injuries! *Huff* *Huff*

I'll have to retreat and report to Headquarters (HQ)! I must escape this death trap!


The Shadow warrior stares at one of the red glowing creatures, NO. 5, this one has been slowing him down.

He's been trying to conserve his energy to fight the weak inhabitant of his body and try to take over, but maybe now isn't the time.

NO. 5 has been trying to cast a spell this whole time. While Shadow was willing to see what kind of trick he'd have up his sleeve, it just gets boring so quickly.

The Shadow Warrior, with a disinterested blank look on his face, holds his greatsword with his left hand in a reverse grip position while stretching his right hand forward. With a loud crackle sound, dark lightning springs forward. NO. 5 tries to evade but he's just slower than the speed of light, nothing he could do about that...


NO. 5 is now basically a red V shaped glow stick (2 attached legs). At the same moment that happens however, a presence disappears from the battlefield!

With a quick scan it becomes clear that NO. 5 wasn't planning an attack all long, but means of escape, for one creature that is; NO. 4 that was busy fighting a human is nowhere to be seen now, or felt for that matter.

With a bored sigh, the Shadow Warrior lets go of the body and goes back to his slumber.




* written while listening to Fall Out Boy - Century Remix: https://youtu.be/4a2C4keyL7I *

Soooo, this is the end of the prologue. Next chapter is gonna be a bit of a flashback to kinda give some details about our lil Draven's life before this incident.

Also, I realize that there isn't much conversations going around with the characters. And so many mysteries so far, but I promise this is going somewhere. It'll all become clear soon enough.

That's it from me, please comment, leave a review:)

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