
After four years

(Edited) .



*Four Years Later*

"Mommy!" A young girl yelled happily as she ran towards a 24-year-old lady who was working in a flower shop. 

"Aurora, don't run, you might fall, be careful!" Mia shouted.

The little girl, or Aurora, had reached her mother and hugged her mother's torso, even though she was only tall enough to reach her mother's legs, so her mother, Mia, bent down and sat on her knees, brushing a stray hair away from her daughter's face. 

"What's wrong, my princess?" She asked, worriedly, looking at her daughter's now sad expression. 

She asked another question, "Did anybody say anything to you?"

Mia gripped her daughter's hands, reassuring her to reply. 

Aurora looked at Mia, and replied, "Mommy...did you feel pain when I came out?" 

Mia stared at her daughter with a blank face, allowing Aurora to continue. 

"Auntie was talking about the delivery, so I guessed," she continued as she looked her mother in the eye. 

Her mother thought of a reply, before answering. 

"It wasn't that painful, my princess, and it was all worth it in the end," Mia said with a warm smile. 

Aurora grinned, patting her mother's mid-section gently, from which she came from. 

"Now it won't hurt," 

Mia smiled, looking at her daughter with eyes shimmering with affection,"Thank you, my precious princess." 

Aurora's eyes shined and a wide smile appeared on her face.

Suddenly a man entered the shop and looked at Mia and Aurora, "Sorry to spoil the moment abruptly." 

"Hello Seb," Mia said with a smile.

Aurora ran towards Seb and Seb embraced her, taking her into his arms," I bought the latest PlayStation for you."

Aurora smiled happily in content. 

Mia was looking at them and after some time Seb put Aurora down.

Mia smiled at Seb, and reminded him, "Don't spoil her."

"She is an adorable child, I just couldn't resist," Seb said with a smile.

Mia and Seb became good friends during the past few years and the flower shop that she worked in also belonged to him.

He always treated Aurora as his own family.

After some time, a middle-aged woman arrived, looking to buy a red rose. 

She looked at the young girl that was Aurora and she wasn't able to control herself, immediately walking towards her. She smiled towards Aurora. 

"What a lovely child," she said as she approached the four year old, but Aurora gently slapped her hands away and remarked, "I don't like others touching me."

Aurora looked at the lady, ignoring her right after she said those words and watched as she exited the flower shop, her expression clearly furious. 

Suddenly, a handsome, and young teenage boy came inside the shop and caught Aurora's attention. 

Aurora ran towards the young man, tugging at his pants. 

"I am at your service, handsome," she said. 

That man smiled at the little girl, kneeling down as he said, "I want to buy some flowers."

"For who?" Aurora asked with a smile. 

The young man answered, "For my girlfriend." 

"For what occasion?" Aurora continued to ask. 

Mia looked at the two of them before stepping in to intervene.

"Aurora, don't cause him to be uncomfortable," she said. 

The young man replied, "No no, it's fine. She wasn't doing anything wrong."

He looked at the cute and adorable girl standing right in front of him and answered her question, "Actually, I broke her heart, and I'd like to turn over a new leaf with her."

Aurora looked at him questioningly, her eyes filled with questions, and she covered her eyes with her hands, but the words she wanted to say didn't exit her mouth. 

"This boy is so handsome. I think I'm going to get a nosebleed," she admitted truthfully to no one in particular. 

After a few minutes of silence, Aurora suggested, "If you broke her heart, then it's your fault, but if you want advice, I could always help."

The young man replied, "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

Aurora took a white rose from the flowers in the shop, and while looking at it she returned to the young man, handing it to him as he said, "A white rose shows purity, innocence, and a fresh start. According to your situation, this rose will be best for you. Go and give her this, and maybe she'll forgive you."

Mia was looking at their interaction, stunned to see what her daughter was saying, and how wise she actually was.

The young man nodded, "Okay, I want to buy this flower."

Aurora smiled as she said, "Okay."

The young man looked at Aurora who was smiling brightly, her mixed color eyes were shining. He pinched Aurora's cheek lightly and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you," he said gratefully.

"My pleasure," Aurora said with a smile 

From the counter of the flower shop, Seb was staring at Mia. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue, and her hair was tied in a bun. She looked gorgeous and stunning, even in casual clothes.

Mia looked at Aurora as soon as the young boy left and said, "I watched what you just did just now." 

Aurora showed her fake and perfect innocent smile, trying to change the topic as it was a skill she had learned from Clara. 

"I was just trying to help you, mommy," she answered.

"So, why didn't you help that female customer when she entered?" Mia asked as she crossed her arms.

Aurora acted oblivious, then changing the subject again. 

"Have you decided which school I'm enrolling in?" She asked. 

Mia's eyes widened.

"Oh! I forgot about that," she admitted, now starting to think about schools for Aurora.

Aurora was talented, and even more special than the other kids, knowing the meaning of every flower being a testimony of that. Her IQ was already 150, higher than that of a regular adult. 

She needed the best school or education, even though those schools usually demanded high fees, or a really difficult test to get a scholarship. 

Aurora sensed her mother's tension and assured her, "Don't worry, I'll do you proud and pass any test you want me to, mommy." 

Mia looked at her and smiled at her intelligent daughter.

As she was not worried about the tests, she was worried about her parental details. 

She took a deep breath, bracing herself for what's to come. 

To be continued!

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