
Chapter 330 - Fall of The Titans

Elizabeth found herself warped a couple of miles away from the resounding shockwaves that indicated an intense battle between Titans and Gods.

At first, Elizabeth felt peeved that Zeel would send her away since it demonstrated that he didn't quite believe in her ability to take care of herself.

It was a justified thought given her lack of battle prowess and insight compared to Alice, but Elizabeth still felt disgruntled.

"Fuck!" Elizabeth cursed aloud but quickly calmed down and tried to think of what contributions she can make from such a distance.

Slowly, everything became obvious as Elizabeth thought about Zeel's motives…

Zeel was trying to protect her from dying at Seth's hands because somehow, she was the only one who could harm Seth.

"Ugh!" Elizabeth groaned in pain as she felt her summons being beaten down by Seth's Titans.

Still, the fiercer the fighting got, the more riled up the Gigantape would become and as a result, the Gigantape would grow proportional to its rage.

Unfortunately, the fiercer the Kraken and Gigantape fought, the more energy was required to keep them in Seth's Dimension and Elizabeth was being drained fast.

Elizabeth was about to close her eyes to more efficiently access the Star Light Energy that maintained her summons, but something else caught her attention first.

"What the heck?" Elizabeth said, watching confused as bones re-attached onto an unidentifiable body.

Bones re-attached, muscles layered the bones, organs re-grew and then skin and hair grew over everything to create a man Elizabeth was vaguely familiar with – Nick.

Nick laid on the ground naked and confused for a couple of seconds before stumbling to his feet unsteadily.

Elizabeth expected Nick to mumble nonsense for a bit before starting to make sense, but Nick seemed somewhat comfortable in the Death Dimension.

"What? How? Uhm," Nick stuttered until finally finding his voice "What happened?"

Elizabeth wasn't too sure herself since she vividly remembered Nick's passing just as the battle had begun.

Of course, Elizabeth also knew that Zeel only got the drop on Seth because his attack killed Nick but she wasn't about to add that trauma to Nick's already confused face.

Just as Elizabeth was about to provide a watered-down version of events, Nick's ears twitched and he looked to the rocky lands in the distance and mumbled "Jenny is in trouble,"

With a blur of shadows and afterimages, Nick was gone from Elizabeth's sight, leaving behind the surprised Goddess still guessing at how exactly Nick had survived.

"Oh well," Elizabeth shrugged, deciding not to think too much of the people Zeel hung around with.

[Multi-Colored Travel]

With a flash of multi-colored light, Elizabeth was also gone from her location.


Couple Minutes Ago

Even from such a far distance away, Henry, Jenny, Himiko, and Ahmanet could feel the earth shaking under the strain of the battle between Gods and Monsters.

The pressure was palpable and made it difficult for everyone to breathe even though they were so far away from the battle.

Henry and the others hid between the crevices of rocks but what was once their haven was about to become their downfall.

The rocks that protected them began to break apart as the battle grew more intense, forcing Henry and the others to exit the rock crevices and enter the wider unprotected wasteland.

There was no minimum safe distance since Zeel, Seth and Alice would flash at one location, blur, then flash to another location miles away in an instant.

"Come on Young One!" Henry, who could speak once more, yelled as he pulled Jenny from between two rocks just before they caved in.

Ahmanet and Himiko did nothing to help the mortals since they were beyond worried about their own fates.

They even considered killing Henry and Jenny as sacrifices in Seth's name to guarantee their survival but they knew that wouldn't help their situation by much.

Himiko and Ahmanet were well aware that they had both reached the limit of their usefulness to the ruthless God of Death.

Death wasn't scary to both women but having their souls trapped in Seth's Death Dimension was its own flavor of terror.

Now, they could only hope that Zeel, by some miracle, would be able to best the God enough to grant them a chance to strike a critical blow.

The Time Shadow may have guaranteed their Fates but looking Death in the face guaranteed that you gave maximum effort regardless of what 'Destiny' says.

Henry, Jenny, Ahmanet, and Himiko ran across the flat wasteland with hurried steps, trying to find new coverings before the next inevitable massive Earthquake.

The ground didn't break apart from the Earthquakes but the vibrations were equally fatal for the mortal bodies Henry and Jenny possessed.

Still, the group didn't make it far before they heard growling that promised ravenous beasts were about to appear.

And appear they did, several Shadow-Wolves shot up out of the ground, all around the group of four.

Shadow-Wolves were the scavengers of the Death Dimension and were known to be as cruel as their stomachs were insatiable.

"Ahmanet?" Jenny pleaded though the very name made her puke a little inside her mouth.

They had only spent about thirty minutes in the Death Dimension but old enemies were already a thing of the past.

Jenny felt like the time she viewed Ahmanet as an enemy was decades ago.

"Shadow Wolves smell fear on you humans," Ahmanet stated, maneuvering carefully to not attract the attention of the Wolves "All you have to do is not be afraid,"




The Shadow-Wolves darted forward and Himiko and Ahmanet jumped forward in retaliation.

Himiko and Ahmanet wanted to protect the weaker mortals but there was only so much that could be done.

Ahmanet grabbed a Shadow-Wolf by the neck and tackled it to the ground with her superhuman strength.

Ahmanet's hands began to swirl with black mists as the life force of the Shadow-Wolf was quickly drained, not that there was much life force in a creature made of Death.

After she finished, Ahmanet quickly turned around to help Himiko but what she heard made all thoughts of hostility towards anything cease.

A beautiful angelic melody wrapped around the atmosphere as if the God of Peace was embracing everyone in a world without despair or hatred.

"🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵❤" Himiko used her Angelic-Voice to wipe away all aggression from the two Shadow-Wolves that attacked her.

In a matter of a couple of seconds, Himiko sang the Shadow Wolves into a permanent slumber. A beautiful but deadly voice that sent shivers down Jenny's spine.

As a Wanderer, Himiko should have been unable to use her Angelic-Voice with such skill, but the many years trapped in a tomb gave her enough time to practice a few of her skills.

With Himiko and Ahmanet wrapped up in their own battles, Henry and Jenny were left almost defenseless.

Neither Henry nor Jenny were pushovers but they were out of their element in a dimension filled with Death-Energy that threatened to drive them insane the more time passed.

Henry was somewhat protected by The Book of Fates clutched in his hands, but Jenny's mind was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Jenny breaking down also meant Nick breaking down which is why Ahmanet and Himiko were trying so hard to keep Jenny alive.

Seth was already an unpredictable variable, there was no need to add Nick to the mix as well.

A single Shadow-Wolf jumped through the air, slashing at a defenseless Henry and Jenny, hoping to dissect them with its massive, sharpened claws.

Henry held The Book of Fates in front of him and Jenny, but the book was cleaved through cleanly by the claws of the Shadow-Wolf.

When Henry saw his treasured book break so easily, he thought back to what Zeel called the book when they first met 'Fake!'.

Just as the attack was about to bisect both Henry and Jenny, the Perdition Rune on Henry's hand shattered into motes of light and Henry's body shifted to greenish-grey.

Henry's eyes became sinister, his teeth became greener and his very existence was unrestrained by all the shackles that made a man into a monster.

Henry was no monster… Henry had taken things a step further and transformed into Evil Incarnate – Edward Hyde.

Edward Hyde was Henry's split personality, a being of total evil that was born from Henry's consumption of the duality potion.

Henry's transformation into Edward Hyde was not a moment too late.

Edward Hyde grabbed the claw of the Shadow-Wolf and threw the beast over his shoulder, smashing the beast into the ground with enough power to create a small crater.

"Thank Gosh!" Jenny exhaled a breath that she didn't even know she was holding.

'Evil is powerful!' Jenny thought, forgetting that Edward Hyde was an ally to no one but chaos.

Now, Jenny was the only normal person in Seth's Dimension and things were not looking good for 'un-special' existence.


Jenny saw a blur and then she felt the sensation of flying through the air. Jenny's shoulder was dislocated from the throw but her brain had yet to register the accompanying pain.

Edward Hyde, an incarnation of chaos and evil, tossed Jenny in the air just to indulge in the screams she would make when she fell.

"Fly little birdy," Edward said while laughing crazily.

Sadly, Edward had miscalculated the timing of his throw.


A blur of shadows encased Jenny's flying figure and the next moment, Edward was slammed into the ground with an even larger crater than that of the Shadow-Wolf he had defeated.

Edward's body was intact but anyone could tell that he wouldn't be waking up for a couple of hours.

There, in Edward's previous place, was Nick holding a very frightened Jenny who had dark veins faintly visible on her forehead.

Elizabeth appeared next to Ahmanet and Himiko just an instant later but neither women were surprised to see Elizabeth.

"The Death Dimension is poisoning her mind," Ahmanet whispered to Elizabeth with Himiko just nodding in agreement.

Elizabeth frowned since a stray thought entered her mind when she gazed at Jenny's sorry figure. - 'She will die… but it matters when she dies,'.

Sometimes, Zeel's thoughts would randomly enter Elizabeth's mind and that made her truly appreciative of the mere fact that Alice didn't go crazy from all of Zeel's random thoughts.

Still, there was no time to relax as more Shadow-Wolves rose up from beneath the Earth, ready to rip everyone's throat apart at the slightest sight of an opening.


A beastly voice of authority instinctively exited Nick's mouth as his teeth sharpened. It sounded like a desperate animal, eager to slaughter but also restrained by responsibilities.

Even Elizabeth, Ahmanet, and Himiko backed away from the chaotic feeling of Death and Destruction Nick's aura was exuding.

The Shadow-Wolves fearfully retreated back into the Earth and an entire section of the Death Dimension became silent and peaceful.

It was as if a separate space of reality had been created using the limited authority Nick had over the Death Dimension as Seth's Herald.

Elizabeth's intuition lit up when she noticed the environment was silent. After all, silence during battle was just a big attention-grabber.

And Nick's action did grab the attention of Seth amidst his battle with Alice and Zeel.

Seth reached into the void and made a pulling gesture, bringing the entire section of land under Nick's feet towards him.

Nick, Ahmanet, Himiko, Jenny, Edward, and Elizabeth just felt a drifting sensation and suddenly, they were amidst the battle between Zeel, Alice, and Seth.

[Proton Neutrino Slash]

Zeel's blade lit up with white light and immense radiation, striking Seth with a wide swing that cut through a layer of skin.

The blade sunk about a centimeter into Seth's body before coming to a stop.

"You fight so hard for a couple centimeters of skin," Seth joked, swatting away an attack from Alice that came from his blindside.

"I'll be sure to go deeper next time," Zeel said with utmost seriousness, not noticing that his words were very poorly chosen.

Seth grabbed Zeel's head and slammed him into the ground, turned around to block Alice's incoming strike and kneed her in the stomach with strength that created a shockwave.

Just before Elizabeth and the others could react, Seth blew a small breath of wind in their direction that induced paralysis and hysteria.

Seth took special care to make sure that nobody died since he wanted to torture the females in front of their lovers.

Elizabeth was about to rise to her feet and retaliate but two pricks in her soul quickly sent her sprawling back onto the ground.

The Kraken and the Gigantape had just died in battle, but they did manage to take the Dragon, and two Titans down with them.

Seeing everyone sprawled on the ground, Seth began boasting "First, I will rape your women, then eat them. I will toy with their souls until your soul shakes in fear,"

Though he was not facing him, Zeel knew that Seth was talking to him specifically.

"Such evil actions deserve punishment," Zeel stated weakly from his crater in the ground.

Seth sensed something ominous and spun around to face Zeel. Within Zeel's eyes, Seth saw Golden-Lightning flickering that reminded him of a dangerous governing entity.

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