
The ghosts are not really ghosts..

"Shh!! What are you doing??" The voice of a girl was heard inside the kitchen. It seemed there was a really streamy thing happening between the two. 

"The ghosts are horny!!" Mia whispered to Alex who stood perplexed. Never did he hear about ghosts making out. He began to think deeper, the possibility seemed true. Afterall ghosts too have feelings right? His eyes opened wide at a certain realisation formed in the back of his brain. 

"Does this means they make out in our house daily??" Alex asked shaking his girl almost loudly. The invaders of the house became more attentive. A vessel fell upon the marbled floor creating a loud noise. Mia dragged the man away from the scene, tiptoeing. 

"Are you mad??" She hissed pinching his arm. A peircing pain made him hiss. "I wanted to see their faces." She pouted at the failed attempt. She badly wanted to see real ghosts, and now when they got a chance the one and only. It slipped passed them. 

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