
Chapter 15: WE ARE PART OF A BET?!

? : Is that okay? You finished your stupid kid fights?!

? : Yes...

? : Yes….

At the moment, we could see a very funny scene:

A man and a child sat in seiza while lowering their heads in front of a kind of fairy floating in the air, who scolded them like a mother did for her children. Of course these three people were Cheh, Yamitake and Liberia.

Liberia: Well, now I can explain. I am the fairy sent by the god of the world of Sheh to look after him, and you, Yamitake, you were sent by the god of this world to protect him.



Liberulia, shut the fuck up!

Cheh and Yamitake: yes madam

Liberulia: Thank you! So, We make all three parts of a bet between the gods of wine and the god of prosperity. The bet was to send an unnecessary human, so cheh, outfitted with a system into a fantastic world, and see if he would manage to take possession of that world. For this he will have the help of an ex-god taken at random, in other Yamitake, and of a novice goddess taken at random, so me. If Cheh manages to do it before his death, I will become a goddess who can create a world, Yamitake will become a god again, Cheh will be able to choose what he will look like and what will happen in his next life and the god of wine will win one of the worlds of the god of prosperity. But if we do not succeed, Yamitake will become a mortal without any power, I will become an ex-god, Cheh will not have the right to reincarnation and will fall into hell, and the god of wine will have to give one of his world to the god of prosperity. Do you have any questions?

A silence took the group and then Yamitake with a traumatized face crouched and made circles on the ground with his fingers and began to mumble and repeat these words: a weak mortal…

While Cheh fainted, one could see a sort of version of himself half transparent coming out of his mouth, before Liberia who saw him shouted:


And she thrust what seemed to be Sheh's soul into his mouth. Then she struck Yamitake's head.


The two resumed their minds, began to shout together, all in harmony;

Yamitake and Cheh: ARE WE PART OF A FUCKING BET?!

Liberia: Yeah, well now it's time for Cheh to come back to reality, I'll see you later.

Cheh woke up and heard a voice:


Three young boys looked at him, the one who had spoken had golden yellow eyes and shaved hair on the sides of red blood, he had a slightly square jaw, long but not wide eyes, thick eyebrows, a slightly pointed nose and a rather thin mouth. His skin was tanned, as if he had spent twenty weeks at the beach.

He looked like a little hood from the playground.

But his eyes showed a certain depth, which made us think that beyond his brute airs, he hid something more tender.

Next to him was another boy with long white hair and light blue eyes. He had a jaded look that made us think that he felt superior, or that he didn't care about anything, he had a thin mouth, and a long, slightly curved nose, oval eyes, fine, well-defined eyebrows and a pointed chin. Her incredibly white skin, would surely remind us of a certain princess accompanied by her necrophiliac husband...

His face was very smooth and refined, but his disdainful look reminded us of a certain boy with redeyes, who gave us a certain desire to shoot in his face of arrogant shit (NA: you say what you want but, for me, sasuke he always broke my balls, I understand that he is a sad backstory, but is this a reason to behave like an asshole? )

The last boy, he, had medium long curly emerald green hair, and green apple eyes. His skin was olive, and he had deer eyes. His eyebrows, just as fine and graceful as the second, were slightly wrinkled with worry. His mouth was slightly pulpy, and his nose looked like a nice Greek nose. This child gave us an aura that made us want to protect him, but at the same time that made us think that it was he who was protecting us...

The three children in front of him were incredibly beautiful, even more so than the protagonist (Charlie Grange)! They were so beautiful, you'd think they were coming straight out of a portrait where the painters were forced to make the people painted more beautiful because otherwise the paintings wouldn't sell....

In view of what he was surrounding him, Cheh guessed that he was currently in a cart made mostly of wood and burlap cloth, with wooden boxes that also surrounded them.

? : What's your name? I am Amine, he points at the boy with white hair, he is Hassan, now he looks at the one with red hair, and this is Khaled!

Khaled: Hello!

Hassan: Humph

Khaled: Don't pay attention to him, he's a jerk.

Hassan seems slightly upset about this statement

Amine: So what's your name?

Cheh: I am Cheh

Amine: Cheh? It's a weird name… Does that have a special meaning?

Cheh hesitated to tell them the meaning of this word, lest they mock him, but seeing Amine's begging eyes, he finally accepted;

Cheh: Well done for you

Amine: Huh?! Why are you telling me this? Are you making fun of me?!

Cheh: Not at all! That's what it means, «well done for you»

Amine: ah… Why else do you have black hair and eyes? It's pretty weird!

Cheh: uh…

Amine: And where are you from? I'm from the village of Taffi!

Cheh: uh…

Amine : What's your favorite color? Your pet? What's your favorite way to fight? What's your favorite dish?

Cheh faints in the face of his comrade's excitement

AN: wah fucking… This chapter was short but it took me time… I am emptied… AND YES EVEN MORE SECONDARY CHARACTERS! ALWAYS MORE! PLUS ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Ga_Gumacreators' thoughts
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