
This Hero Makes A Bad Decision!

We had finished our food. I was a bit disappointed with the flavor, but it was still rather good overall. Judging by my traveling companions attitude, however...

"Ahh!" Tael burped and placed the bowl to his side. "Man... That was great!" He pat his stomach. "Meals you don't have to pay for truly are superior!"

I picked up his bowl and stacked it on my own. "Did you forget that you're going to be paying me back for the supplies when we return to the city?"

Tael immediately looked away and began fiddling with his hat. "What? Did I say that? Me? It doesn't sound like me…" He shrugged as he turned to face me, but he refused to look me in the eye. "I bet you just wanted to believe that's what happened! Yeah! Haha!"

I furrowed my brow in frustration as I cracked my knuckles. Perhaps another punch to the stomach will change his mind.

"C-Come on man!" He began shuffling backwards. "Hasn't my magic been payment enough?"

"Unless you've forgotten... We've both killed an equal amount of monsters!" I began to stand up.

Tael's eyes began darting around as he looked for an escape route. "Y-Yeah but, my magic made it easier!" He held up his finger in an attempt to make a point.

I stopped approaching him as I lowered my hands. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. His magic really has streamlined a lot of the combat we have experienced. I doubt I would have come out unscathed in that goblin encounter without him as backup. I have to swallow my pride and admit it, even though I really, REALLY, do not want to.

I drooped my shoulders and sat back down. "Haah... All things aside… Thanks for the backup today. I doubt I'd have been able to come out unscathed without your help."

Tael looked at me as if I had just broken a rule. "H-Hey wait, you're supposed to act like I wasn't a big help or anything! Don't actually appreciate me!"

I laid down on the grass and looked towards the stars. "What are you talking about? I'm not some tsundere from a manga."

"What's a manga?"

"...Forget it."

"Well, anyway…" Tael laid down on the grass and looked towards the sky just as I was. "I can say the same for you. I've wanted to go on an adventure like this for a while now, so you coming with me has helped a lot. So... I guess I want to say… Thank you."

"No need to get sappy with me. After all, we only met today. Don't tell me you're falling for me or something! I thought you said you didn't swing that way?" I said as sarcastically as possible.

Tael quietly chuckled to himself as we looked towards the stars.

We laid next to the campfire as more time passed. The last vestiges of birds chirping slowly shifted to the sound of owls who'ing and crickets chirping.

"Alright..." I leaned up and went to my rucksack. "You take the first watch since I cooked dinner."

"Huh?" Tael bolted up. "Why don't we do rock paper scissors? Just because you cooked dinner doesn't mean you deserve to sleep first!"

I pulled my sleeping bag out and pointed it at him. "Because... Your luck stat is higher than mine and I don't want to take a chance at something I have a disadvantage in." I began rolling out the bag. "Just do it."

Tael gave an exaggerated sigh. "Ugh, Fine!" He got up and walked towards the large rock. "You have that one mundane class anyway." He sat down and leaned back on it. "I'll wake you up in a few hours."

With that, I got inside of the sleeping bag and shuffled closely to the fire. I like the heat and the outside is cold at night, so I made sure I was within half a meter of it.

Time passed slowly. I thought back to the battles that happened today. I quit my job of seven months. I... killed things today.

Typically, someone's birthday usually entails them getting gifts, their friends roughhousing with them, and maybe a nice dinner with their family and or loved ones.

Hm... I haven't thought about it, but I wonder what my family is doing right now.

Is time the same here as it is on Earth? I know seven months have passed here, they even use the same calendar as the one on Earth which is it's own can of worms, but does that mean it's the same?

Mom and dad are probably going to light incense at a shrine for me, or my family will visit my grave.

I wonder if the guy that shot me was captured, or if he got away.

Natsu might have cried when she heard I was dead. Probably. It's not like we spent a lot of time together leading up when I died, but still. I know mom and dad cried.

Thinking about this stuff feels awful. I feel like a ghost. I'm just reflecting on my past life and how the people that remain are still affected.

...I've been laying in the sleeping bag for a while now. For some reason, I can't sleep. I've never slept outside before and I've never had to rely on someone else for safety so I guess I'm just feeling tense.

After spending this time sitting in this bag, I've been thinking that I won't be able to fall asleep no matter how hard I try. I may as well let Tael sleep while I keep watch.

I slowly shuffled out of the bag, feeling the cold air touch my skin as I moved. "Hey Tael..." I groaned as I wiped my eyes. "I think it's time to switch for now. Since you don't have a sleeping bag I'll let you use mine for the night."

As I got out of the sleeping bag, I looked around to find that Tael was nowhere to be found.

Relaxing with someone you get along with is a fantastic feeling. Taking time to enjoy yourself after everything is said and done is very important.

We should all strive to take in some of the quiet moments of our lives.

Catch you on the flip side!

Person_mancreators' thoughts
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