
Chapter 413: Greed of a Perverted Old Dog

The next thing he saw was just a delicate hand right over his face, and immediately after he felt a burning and piercing pain on his right cheek.

He was stupefied as he would have never expected something like this, as it felt like time was frozen a few moments for him.

But the moment it started running again he was sent shooting down on the ground, like a meteorite or some kind of shooting star.

His fate was known as he dug a large pit on the ground, with the dust and debris flying around. Nonetheless, he was able to get up in an instant and get out of there.

Tianlong Yun's slap had been just a greeting, and nothing more. He was still far away from dealing with this old piece of trash.

Still, the shock, and stun in the old man's eyes were more than visible, he would have never even dreamed it or seen a nightmare with his new Master raising his strength so much in such a short time.

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