
Chapter 83

"The boiling rock is in sight!" One of the sailors we brought yelled. After the peace agreements we're settled we were given three fire navy ships and sailors to run them so that we could launch our attack on the Boiling Rock. After a little over a week of travel, the prison is now visible... For most of us. Once we get to the prison Azula, Ty Lee, some disguised water tribe soldiers, Sokka, and I will be entering the prison. Azula will be entering under the guise of having captured me. Once inside, Azula will make a play to talk to all of the captives and then give a signal. The disguised soldiers will wait for the signal, but once they see it they will take control of the gondola. I will be playing the role of a captive until it's time for me to subdue the guards

As we disembark Azula smirks and puts my hands into iron manacles, causing me to snort. I really hope these guards aren't very observant. These handcuffs do about as much to restrain me as untied rope. Flimsy rusted iron that can't restrain me physically and does absolutely nothing about my bending. I can't help but smile to myself as we march all the way up the jagged mountainous island. A narrow pathway leads us to the peak of the island's exterior. I can't see but past these steep cliffs should be an abrupt drop into a lake filled with boiling water, and inside of that lake is a smaller island that houses the prison. The exterior guardhouse is made of a small metal balcony and a single room building. The balcony is just large enough to dock the two gondolas and several levers to control them.

The two men lazily sitting in the guard post all, but have a panic attack when they notice the Princess now only steps away. They immediately jump up into a salute only to realize that's not how you address royalty, so they then drop to the ground in a bow.

"Rise. I have a task I must complete at this prison."

"We are deeply sorry your highness, we were not informed of your imminent arrival. How may we serve you?" One of the guards says continuing to bow without raising his head.

"Do I need to repeat myself. I have business with this prison. I require passage for myself and those with me."

"Of course your highness. Right away. We will recall the gondola immediately!" The two guards announce quickly moving to the balcony to recall the gondola.

"You three!" Azula announces pointing at three of our disguised soldiers. " Stay here and secure the premises," she tells them subtly telling them their true orders.

"Yes, Princess!" They say back as part of the act. We don't have long before a guard returns. "Your Highness, the gondola will be here shortly"

"Excellent, some of my men will be staying here for additional security. Their orders are my orders and you will follow them as such."

"Yes! Your Highness!"

"Come along then some of us have a death trap to ride" Azula announces to the group as we head outside to the balcony just in time to see our ride arrive. It's a cramped fit getting us all into the cart, but it's a short if terrifying ride across. The cable cart itself actually seems sturdy and the cables don't seem bad either, but there is nothing settling about being suspended over boiling hot death. I think most of the passengers breathe a sigh of relief upon reaching our destination, the true boiling rock prison.

We are, or more accurately Azula is, greeted by a cordon of guards led by a single middle-aged man with long lady-like hair and feminine features.

"Your Highness, I am the warden of this prison. There had been rumors that you had disappeared I am glad to see that the tales are false" He says while giving a deep bow.

"Tales of my disappearance have been greatly exaggerated. I was on a mission hunting fugitives. I have brought with me the Blind Butcher now in chains." At that, I hear some of the guards let out uncontrolled gasps and slightly shift backward. Oh, come I haven't even done anything that bad. Except kidnap Azula, but they don't even know about that.

"I beg your pardon, your Highness. Despite this being the most fortified prison in the Fire Nation, it was not built to hold water benders certainly not one of his caliber."

"His placement here was always intended to be short, but the sheer uncertainty you have raises concerns. I had intended for this to be a short visit, but it's clear now a more thorough inspection needs to be performed" As she announces the inspection an air of worry passes over the assembled men.

"The prison is at your disposal Princess. This prison has suffered no escapes for as long as I've been Warden. I assure you the prison remains in peak condition, but my men and I are yours to command."

"Excellent. Thank you for your hospitality. To begin please escort the butcher to the highest security cells. I will be sending along one of my men to ensure he remains cooperative. Then I would like a full tour of the facilities." Azula tells them signaling Sokka to escort me forward.

The Warden fully stands from his bow and signals two of his men to escort Disguised Sokka and I. The rest of the guards then fully disperse. The warden and a few other linger I assume to give Azula her tour. The guards escorting me roughly pull me by my chains into the prison. They pat me down to check for anything I might still have in my possession, but I had left everything on the ship and in my warehouse. They then attempt to force me to change into prison rags, but they realize that it would require them uncuffing me. An action they absolutely refuse to do. They let me keep my clothes but put me in more restraints. I'm forced into ankle cuffs, a collar, and chains connecting anything together. It's significantly more secure and uncomfortable, but the fact that I can still break my handcuffs makes the whole thing basically useless.

Now properly restrained I was brought deep into the bowels of the prison, several layers underground where the 'real' dangerous criminals are kept. So, imagine my surprise when one of the guards tells me this before shoving me into a cell.

"You're going to spend the rest of your short life alone, with only that crazy old man to keep you company."

With that, he started to walk away. Sokka checked to make sure I was good, and I gave him a slight nod to say he could go. I extend my senses to figure out what the guard had meant, and I do.

Iroh is in the cell next to me.

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