
King Jaune or Emperor?

A/n: Someone said that Deaths using him? That would be true, of it weren't for the fact that he is doing things for his own amusement, of that makes sense. lets get started.


The Grand master was gone, nothing left but a big crater where the arena used to be.

The entire audience was stunned silent before anybody could react to anomuthing, my I felt a noice and a slight tickle before. I felt something move around my neck, I grabbed the thing I assumed was the shocker and pulled it off, I was met with no resistance, I holded it with my hands and. noticed that it was broken, so it will seem that killing the grandmaster had caused the tazer thing to break.

The collective crowd winced as similar things happened to.them , one of them managed to get the thing off of them, one of them gave a loud shout.

"We're free!!! Were free!!! All hail King Jaune!"

""""""All Hail King jaune!!!""""" was the shout of the collective crowd. You could tell, clearly that this was not forced, this willingly, I glanced around at the smiles the tears of joy, the feeling of freedom and liberty, that they had never felt in a long time, the hope and the expectations were so great, I was going to give them. it was boiled up in them, that as the realization that they were finally free

"""""""Were free!Were free!!! All hail King jaune!"""""""

They all agreed, they looked down at the one responsible for the death of the tyrant, and roared,.

""""""All Hail King jaune!!!"""""

I smiled as I looked onto the crowd cheering me on.

I looked at death only to see her not there, I felt a tap I turned only to smash myself onto death's lips making surprised for a second before I quickly accepted the kiss, and leaned into it.

The crowd cheered louder, some even wolf whistled.

During that time I had brcome the newlly embedded king of Sakaar,(Did I say that wrong?) Death had invited Gaia over and told her about the events to come and what I had done and who I had killed, needless to say that for her turned on, and we had a threesome in the castle that I had just made I completely destroyed the house the grandmaster lived in, even though, it was nice, I had a flash back of Thor ragnorock and what the valekrie had said he was doing.

I had the people give us a tour over the entire planet, discovering a lot of the basic things.

I was met with No resistance only respect, as upon analyzing this I had began to imagine how horrible the grandmaster actually was.

The food there was also unplesant, it's hard to describe, lets just say one of the dishes looks like crap that comes out of your ass.

Unfortunately death, was amused at my displeasure and forced me to swallow it, it out of respect I had to force myself not to gag, gaia's giggling and death's smirk, at my response only served to make me more irate.

Once I had gotten mentally ok with it, it turned out that it was...surprisingly alright, not going to lie.

I will rate this planet a 30/100.

I wasn't going to let it stay though, I had already started making plans to reingeneer this planet to fit my needs, and that was going to take a lot of effort, I already planned on abusing the hell out of a couple techniques mainly the shadow clones

Lol This story was horribly executed, I am glad people still love what I write and support me, thank you, have a good day and stay safe

Jake_Knightcreators' thoughts
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