
First Impressions

When I and my brother (mostly me) stopped crying I smiled and picked my bag back up. I smiled and took his hand. "C'mon! I want to introduce you to some people!" I pulled him and remembered his quirk. "Hey bro, wanna run?" I asked innocently. He quirked an eyebrow at me and I smirked. I handed him my bag and ran around the graveyard quickly only disappearing for a second.

"When did you get a quirk?!" He asked amazed. I smirked again and shook my head.

"Not quirk, quirks." I corrected him and his mouth gaped open. I snickered and took my bag back. I slung it onto my shoulders and took his hand again. "Let's Run!" I pushed. He sighed while smiling and nodded.

I smiled once again and started the count down letting go of his hand. "Three, Two, One." We blast off. It was around three minutes later half-way across town at my house when I stopped in front of it he was confused. I smirked and walked up to the gate.

It opened up and his jaw dropped. I took his hand again and lead him inside. I remembered his hood and turned back to him. I pulled it off him and smiled again. He looked slightly like me as expected.

Like I had said before he had an undercut hairstyle and his natural turquoise and black streaks, then the signature Midoriya green hair. His face shape was similar to mine only more masculine. His eyes were slightly narrower than mine, and his eyes were both green.

"Ichi, you look so much older." I sighed while saying this. He just chuckled.

"Well, I am 21 aren't I?" I sighed and nodded I pulled him again towards the door of the house. I wiped my face to clear any stray tears from the heartwarming moment in the graveyard and quietly opened the door.

"I'm Home~!" I chorused. I heard a cheer from upstairs and a group of feet running downstairs. I smirked and led Ichiji inside. I slid my shoes off and motioned for him to do the same.

"Izu~!" "Papa!" "Boss!" I heard a group of voices say all at once. I looked up to see shocked faces.

"Babe, Dear, Ume, Shigi, Toga. Meet my brother Ichiji. I haven't seen him since I was 5." I smiled at him and the group of other people I cared about. He walked out from behind me and I heard an intake of breath from everyone except for Touya, Shoto, and Ume.

"He looks a lot like you Izu-Kun!" I smiled at Toga's antics and nodded.

"He's older than me though." I smiled.

I saw Ichi pause for a second then look back at me. I looked at him with a brow quirked up. "Wait a sec did you say babe, and then dear?" I nodded and smiled. I walked over to Touya and Shoto and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

"These are my boyfriends!" I exclaimed happily. I remembered someone who would be just as happy or even more than me to see Ichi so I picked my phone up out of my bag. "I'm gonna make a quick call to someone, be right back!" I walked quickly into the backyard and dialed a number.

"Hey, Dad."

I'm sorry these chapters are so short. I'm still thinking about certain bits of the plot so I'm writing some fillers that are heartwarming. I'll try to write longer ones but. y' know life happens. Anyways~ I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

Bye, my Roses~!


Zero_Kiriyucreators' thoughts
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