

"Xuan Kai, huh?" Ling Ling, the girl with auburn hair, murmured thoughtfully. "Pretty cool-sounding name! I like it!"

"I agree. It is a nice name," Four-Eyes added. "I look forward to our friendship."

"Yeah - there aren't many people around our age in The Fortress, after all," Cherry said.

"Hm? Wait, you could tell we're around your age?" I asked, frowning a bit in confusion. Mei Gui and I were both wearing masks, it would've been difficult to tell our age...

"Is that not why you approached us in the first place?" Four-Eyes analyzed. "There are plenty of other tables you could've went to, yet you chose this one. Of course, your voice also hinted towards your age a bit, though it is quite deep. Then there is also the girl standing behind you, who is not wearing a mask."

Xiang Peng is actually a year older than me, but close enough.

"Hm...I see. Your observation skills are good, Four Eyes," I complimented geniunely.

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