
Chapter 331

He blinked the tears from his eyes and turned to Lord Gawen Westerling.

"Lord Westerling." He said, his voice cracking a bit from the immense grief at the death of his son "Take control of our foot. The enemy cavalry has only breached the outer tents. Rally the men and chase them away from our camp at any cost."

He turned to Lord Tytos Brax "Lord Tytos. Create a defense line. The enemy might have surprised us but we still have the…"

His words were cut short as he heard a horn blare in the distance and his shoulders slumped as the cavalry withdrew only to be replaced by an even larger infantry and then the arrows started raining down on his men.

He turned to Lord Tytos Brax "Go now."

The Lord bowed and left.

He turned to the rest of his men. Only a few of them were wearing any sort of armor. Most of them looked like they had just come from their tents as soon as they heard the commotion. They hair were dishevelled, their faced filled with terror and despair.

He couldn't blame them. He doubted that he looked any better.

He took a deep breath "Rally the men. Gather around and form a line. Stop the enemy at any cost."

The men yelled affirmations and left. He knew that some of them were probably going to run away as soon as possible. He didn't cared.

He had a feeling that he had lost this battle even before he began.

The next few minutes were the worst of his life.

He and his commanders tried to rally their men and create a proper defense against the enemy army who he now knew belonged to the Boltons.

The direwolves, the not-dragons and the Banners were a clear indication.

Against all odds, his subordinates did manage to rally the men and created a decent defense against the enemy army.

But now of it worked.

The Bolton infantry was the most disciplined foot he had ever seen. His men were cut down like wheat to a scythe in front of them.

All the while, arrows continued to rain down on them while the enemy cavalry went through his men like butter.

"Lord Regenard Estren is dead." One of his men reported "Our left foot had broken and is routing."

He was not surprised. Not when six other commanders in his army died mysterious death from stray arrows.

By now he was sure that it was no stray arrow but the work of a very skilled enemy archer.

How do you fight the enemy when your commanders continue to fall like this

He knew that defeat was eminent and there was nothing be would be able to do at this point.

The North camp was already in shambles. He had not doubt that the presence of the not-dragons and the wildfire explosions would have broken their morale even before the battle began.

He would have put his hopes on the Southern-East army but they too were under attack by the enemy cavalry and were in an even worse state then them.

He heard the howls of those giant and terrifying wolves reach near him.

"M'lord. The gates." One of his men pointed and turned around and saw the Portcullis of Riverrun fall as the hundreds of men inside sallied out to pincer attack them.

A few days ago, he would have welcomed any such attack. But now…

He chuckled bitterly to himself before he took out his sword from it's sheath.

He might have lost his son. He might have lost this battle but he was not about to go down easily.

"Men! TO ME!!!" he shouted and turned to face the Riverlanders.

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